View Full Version : 2 swollen lymph nodes in neck

17-03-11, 15:52
:weep: I am so scared as one is about half way down my neck and the other in my collarbone. They are only on the right side of my neck. The left feels normal. My Doctor only felt the one in my collarbone and wasnt worried but I am terrified I have Lymphoma. I cant stop checking them. Its a nightmare. I am 18 weeks pregnant and so scared. I had a full blood count done which was normal but I have read that sometimes Lymphoma does not show up. Please can someone help me. I feel sick.

17-03-11, 16:21
So sorry you have this worry right now:hugs:

From what I know about lymph nodes, the more you touch them, the longer they will stay up...so although it's hard try to stop touching them.

Your doctor, who has felt them, must think that they are within an acceptable range size wise and also seems unconcerned. If they were concerned at all, even only a little bit, you would have had an urgent referral to the hospital.

Your bloods were fine. I've also read about it not being a clear indicator for lymphoma but if they was something wrong they would be some indication in your blood results.

I know it's hard, but try not to worry:hugs:

17-03-11, 17:05
Thanks. I am so scared. Its taking over my life. I have read all sorts of stories about people being misdiagnosed with lymphoma and also I cant understand why only one side of my neck is affected.

17-03-11, 19:49
Sunflower try not to worry I too had lumps in one side of my neck, I prod n poked them and made them worse, they come and go I'm not worried now as have had this ages they say any small cut ingrowing toenail etc etc can cause this, I had one for about a year then it just went I had one on my skull for years which hurt when it got big but that seems to have gone now too.xx Just try and enjoy your pregnancy good luck with it.:hugs:

little kyle
18-03-11, 07:47
Hello there sunflower my glands have been up for months on end..... but are going down in size.... and i did prod my glands maybe that's why they were up for so long......

plus apparently stress and anxiety can cause glands to go up in size..... due to chemical changes in the body due to stress or anxiety

and a increase in anti-body's as well but not sure with that but people do say it can happen due to stress and anxiety

Hope this helped you sunflower x

18-03-11, 08:06
Lymph glands are part of your normal immune system they increase in size and become sore when you are fighting an infection or under stress. A danger signal is a lymph gland that is rapidly changing and is not painful, eg. each day it is getting larger.

18-03-11, 15:57
Thanks everyone for your help. I am so scared still as the node in my collarbone feels hard to me although not very big. I cant stop checking and now my neck is sore :weep:

18-03-11, 16:01
Swollen lymph glands are hard. My wife gets two or three in her neck when she has a cold. I can see them, they stand out like little hard peas. If you so much as touch a swollen gland it will get sore and take longer to go back down.

18-03-11, 16:26
Thanks. I wouldnt be so scared if I had had a cold or something but I havent. They seem to be enlarged for no reason. I also have a bit of a cough which I have convinced myself is related to the nodes :weep:

18-03-11, 16:46
There could be a small infection or virus that they are fighting, also they can be enlarged due to stress and anxiety. The cough indicates a possible mild virus, or it could also be anxiety related.

18-03-11, 17:01
Thank You for helping me. I am really going to try and relax a bit as my neck is so sore now. I dont want to ruin another weekend for my Husband :weep:

18-03-11, 17:22
hiyaa.. you have the same fear as me chick .. and i asure you that your ok.. iv seen 3 differnt docs for a swallon lymph node and they all said the same thing .. my friends got one an shes not even worried so hasnt even been to the docs.. iv had mine for a long time now and it hasnt changed or anything its about as big as the end of my finger.. the doctor even let me feel his an his was much bigger and he said to me thats exactly what iv got but his is bigger .. iv not been poorly not so much as a little cough or cold so you see it doesnt mean you have to be poorly to have them. and mines only on one side. my right side. i worry constantly about this and iv also had a blood test and it was clear. it CANT go undetected in a blood test there would be something off and they would know after looking into it what it was.. my doc said hes seen 1000 swallon lymph nodes swelled up and stay swelled up forever.. hes had his for the last 20 years .. :) please dont worry chick. xx

18-03-11, 17:29
Thanks also holly87 - Its such a horrible feeling. I must have been checking myself all day since 8am this morning. Really trying not to check again.

20-03-11, 20:42
Hiya I have posted many times as in going through the same fears as you as my dad died of a similar cancer. I seen many docs have reassured me im fine but im currently waiting for a hospital appointment to have wisdom teeth extracted because they are badly impacted and infected and this can cause swollen glands have you had any dental problems. Your not alone as u have same symptoms as me. Thinking of you x

01-04-16, 21:52
I have three nodes in my neck, one on my right side just under my ear and on on my left below my ear near the jaw and one in the middle of my neck. I've seen 3 doctors about them and they are completely fine. Also if u think you've got lymphoma like i thought i did well u havent cause if u had lymphoma then they would swell to the size of tennis balls.. Also just to note that if worse came to worse and it was cancer, it is one of the VERY treatable ones so you're good either way!
I think with anxiety we like to be in control with everything in our lives and we think that checking our body for every small lump/bumps is going to solve the problem. Its not it just makes everything worse so try and enjoy life, you're fine

25-03-17, 00:41
Hey everyone new to this.
I have two nodes on the left side of my neck in the middleish. Naturally I am here I am freaking out, one feels about as big as a penny. I think? And they both feel kind of rubbery which makes me freak out more you know how we read.
Looking for an update on your nodes, and some assurance I am losing my mind

25-03-17, 01:06
I too have palpable nodes at the base of my neck on the left and right side I have 4 of them 2 sit side by side on one side and 2 sit side by side on the other side. My doctor also isn't concerned i had a cbc and ultrasound which both were cleared amd the biggest node in his area was 1.1 cm x 0.8 cm. I don't know the size of your nodes, i would get a ultrasound done so they can get a idea of whats going on. Most of the time its nothing concerning.

25-03-17, 01:14
Thanks so much for reply.
I feel less isolated in my terror lol
How long have you been aware of them? I have never had any in my neck that I know of before. Although I have had many ear infections in my life etc, so I am sure I have had many I just never noticed

25-03-17, 01:38
Thanks so much for reply.
I feel less isolated in my terror lol
How long have you been aware of them? I have never had any in my neck that I know of before. Although I have had many ear infections in my life etc, so I am sure I have had many I just never noticed

I have had one for 4 months in my neck, my doctor wasn't over concerned, it's a funny shape too :/

I do have an ENT appointment next week but I think she just gave that to me because I was so anxious. I'm sure I'm fine. :) I'm sure you are too :)

25-03-17, 02:23
Mine have been about 4 months too.
Thanks for the details Mav <3
I have tears in my eyes because of the pressure ya'll are releasing. I have felt alone in this a long time
I have even seen the earlier posts many many times, but I couldn't sit here anymore. The live interaction is un believable
Let me know if there is anything I can do for anyone, even just conversation. Thanks again

25-03-17, 15:08
I noticed mine 6 months ago, however i never check for lymph nodes before this so they could have been there alot longer than 6 months but i wouldn't know because I'm new to the lymph node obsession.

25-03-17, 15:56
I noticed mine 6 months ago, however i never check for lymph nodes before this so they could have been there alot longer than 6 months but i wouldn't know because I'm new to the lymph node obsession.

Well then, now's the time to break the habit.
You will always be able to find palpable lymph nodes if you go looking for them.
That makes them a perfect (or perfectly terrible, I should say) focus for the health-obsessed. It's like worrying about having legs, or hair, or skin.
Our lymph nodes are part of our anatomy, some are palpable, you can't get rid of them.
All you can do is try to get rid of your anxiety about them, and I suggest you do so, if you want to have a happy life.
They were there (and no doubt palpable) long before you started to worry about them, and they will still be there when you stop.
But wouldn't it be better not to have to live in terror?
The lymph nodes are not the problem. The anxiety is.

Best wishes.

26-03-17, 00:14
Mine have been about 4 months too.
Thanks for the details Mav <3
I have tears in my eyes because of the pressure ya'll are releasing. I have felt alone in this a long time
I have even seen the earlier posts many many times, but I couldn't sit here anymore. The live interaction is un believable
Let me know if there is anything I can do for anyone, even just conversation. Thanks again

Live interaction with me the lymph node queen? XD I should change my name to that tbh. :blush:

Yes my posts are crazyyy...just repetative spirals. Over and over again. I'm actually doing better these days which I'm so greatful for.

I know that "tears in my eyes, weight being lifted off my shoulders feeling", it's a bloody amazing feeling :yesyes: I have a few members on here to thank for that but I'm pretty sure they know who they are if they've posted on my thread more than once.

26-03-17, 03:56
Lol maybe you should ;)
I definitely feel you on the repetitive spiral, I act fine people think I am fine, and on many levels I am fine. Until I get by myself, and I start to think.
It is good to have support. Go forums :D

26-03-17, 08:37
The problem pinata is that some of us have them where we never had before

26-03-17, 10:31
The problem pinata is that some of us have them where we never had before

This is an old thread that got revived but nonetheless, nodes are one of the top 5 things on the board. There are approximately 500-700 nodes in the lymph system. Nodes just don't appear where you've not had them before. Perhaps you mean you've not felt them in a particular spot before. At any given time, if you poke and prod enough, you'll find a few. The thing is, poking and prodding can and does irritate nodes and actually cause them to swell.

This is ultimately about the fear of cancer but keep in mind...

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

GP is right... "Our lymph nodes are part of our anatomy, some are palpable, you can't get rid of them. All you can do is try to get rid of your anxiety about them, and I suggest you do so, if you want to have a happy life".

Positive thoughts

26-03-17, 23:24
I understand
What I am saying is, people here have felt for nodes before, and they were not palpable.
Then suddenly as many have described "out of nowhere" there they were rolling under your fingers.

27-03-17, 00:18
I understand
What I am saying is, people here have felt for nodes before, and they were not palpable.

I think you need to revisit some of those posts ;)

Positive thoughts

27-03-17, 01:39
I have read that from people, Mav herself say's she has "had one for four months" Suggesting it was not palpable before
Why do I feel like you are just trying to make me sound wrong, when I have directly read testaments myself

27-03-17, 03:17
Lymph nodes that seemingly come out of nowhere have always been there, it's just that you simply noticed them one day and become obsessed. "I've have this lymph node for four months" is an incorrect statement. You've had it since you were born. "Noticing a lymph node four months ago" is accurate. I have palpable lymph nodes up and down both sides of my neck that I didn't notice until a couple of months ago. Did my spiral, and have since become enlightened. I have 3 huge ones in my groin that I just. Prices too. If you go have a feel, you will feel nodes. That's how our anatomy works.

27-03-17, 07:03
The one in my neck I could never feel it before.. it's the only one I can feel without digging around... brush lightly over the skin and bam move able lump that sends me into a spiral... it's only been 2 weeks since I first noticed it.. trying not to poke it is proving to be a challenge.

31-03-17, 03:12
Hang in there moonlight, I am with you

31-03-17, 03:51
I had a lymphoma fear a couple of years ago. I have 2 on the left side of my neck. I was a complete wreck. One is near my jaw and the other is near my collar bone. I had 2 ENTs look at them and they said that sometimes after an infection nodes don't go completely down, and I had tonsillitis a couple of times and I kinda remember one of them swelling.I had an ultrasound and blood work and all looked good both were .5cm, and they said that it was swollen. They feel that much larger than that though. I didnt believe the doctors because wtf do they know right? Lol. I had the pleasure of meeting 2 people with lymphoma both had nodes u could clearly see through their skin and they were as hard as bone. One had Hodgkins and the other had Non Hodgkins
Both are in remission and are doing fine now. This made me realize wow I don't have lymphoma and got me to stop molesting my nodes every hour , and to stop looking up horror stories. If you are worried have an ENT check them out and do some blood work. I realize there are horror stories about lymphoma, but it's rare for lymphoma to lie dormant for years. Calm down try to stop touching them and trust your doctors.

31-03-17, 18:27
Have you guys ever messed with your nodes so much that they became larger?

31-03-17, 18:39
Without a doubt, poking and prodding can cause nodes to swell and become painful. Do it too much and they can become shotty (permanently swollen).

Positive thoughts

31-03-17, 19:27
You mentioned you had head and neck cancer, how big were your nodes Fishman? If you don't mind my asking

31-03-17, 20:26
You mentioned you had head and neck cancer, how big were your nodes Fishman? If you don't mind my asking

By the time I went in for surgery, it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. Prior, about the time I first really noticed it, it was clearly visible as in, you didn't have to look for it. When they went in, they removed two cancerous nodes that were 5+cm in size along with 23 others (non cancerous).

So when I read about node worries, I come from a place of personal experience. I lived it. If I saw something in a post that made me go Hmmm... I would certainly recommend a doctor visit. Nothing I've read here in the last several years has made me go Hmmm ;)

Positive thoughts

03-04-17, 01:45
Thanks Fishman

05-04-17, 03:32
Hey Niv sorry bud I totally forgot to reply to yours.
I am glad you made a move on them, I went to the doctor today as well. He said he wasn't worried and had a similar thing happen to him 15 years ago and they are still there the same size, and he sees it happen fairly frequently. I am going in for some blood work tomorrow morning. I feel like I also feel like they are bigger than they are, sometimes I convince myself one out of the two is like the size of a small grape. And then when I am calmer and just happen to touch it I feel like it's only a centimeter
But thanks Niv

05-04-17, 23:21
Hey Niv sorry bud I totally forgot to reply to yours.
I am glad you made a move on them, I went to the doctor today as well. He said he wasn't worried and had a similar thing happen to him 15 years ago and they are still there the same size, and he sees it happen fairly frequently. I am going in for some blood work tomorrow morning. I feel like I also feel like they are bigger than they are, sometimes I convince myself one out of the two is like the size of a small grape. And then when I am calmer and just happen to touch it I feel like it's only a centimeter
But thanks Niv

Thats exactly how I feel! I've been prodding a lot today and I feel like I've made it swell again:/ but it feels huge right now, even though this morning when I wasn't panicked it felt only about a 1cm or so in size.

06-04-17, 20:49

11-05-17, 09:51
Hi Everybody, I have just read this whole stream this morning as I am worrying a lot about my lump nodes in my neck.
I noticed one enlarged node on the left side of my neck about 2 months ago and only yesterday plucked up the courage to go to the doctors about it, where I got blood tests taken and have to wait until Tuesday to get the results. However this morning I can actually feel two and I'm really worried- it's going to be a long weekend...:( x

15-05-17, 09:46
Hello there :) I have two in my neck that were never palpable that I noticed back in December. I went to the doctor last month and he felt on them for a good 5 to 7 minutes, he said he wasn't worried about them. Just let him know if they get very large suddenly or rock hard, I had blood tests done and they never called me in so I am good to go on that. They haven't changed at all. He himself said 15 years ago he had a couple come up behind his ear similar to mine, and he was worried but had some tests and was good to go, and they are STILL there, this is a 65 year old man mind you so they came up out of nowhere when he was 50 lol. Hang in there we are here for you. Our bodies are complex machines, they aren't static.