View Full Version : Scared :(

17-03-11, 19:16
sorry for posting again but im very anxious tonight.
On either side of the inside of my mouth i can feel two spot like things- there in a diffucult space to look at them. My gums bleed when brushing and im having pain in back teeth sometimes (my dentist said one wisdom tooth is coming thhoruh but the pains all the back bottom ones) He said my teeth were fine so why do they bleed?
I am fearing cancer of any kind tonight- I still get incredible sinus pain sometimes to- so also fearing infection.
I have neglected my teeth a lot since being anxious.
Also i have moments of the day when all i do is yawn and yawn (im so tired) ive had a good two days but now im just back to my old anxious self. Even my friend asked me earlier if i was cold and i was shaking because i was anxious :(
This bit is tmi but earlier i had an unusual bowel movement. like dirrahoea but it wasnt watery. Can anxiety loosen your bowels?

17-03-11, 19:43
also earlier kept coughing on air for no reason. and now my throat feels kinda mucusy. :( so frigthened.
also underneath tounge also feels swollen now

17-03-11, 20:07
also have masses od dry itchy skin (so bad on hands) and my fingers feel funny on right hand sometimes (like there crossed over) so scared of cacner/bad illness.
also scratched my legs so bad yesterday that they hurt:(

17-03-11, 20:16
hi hun read my post about overbreathing cos ou are describing similiar things.
i yawn all the time and cough air for no reason and also mde my throat sore.

your dry hands could be many things could be the cold or that your tired and not getting enough nutrients

17-03-11, 20:23
Thank you for replying. I just feel so scared because of the spot feeling things in mouth. If not for them id be willing to except all this is anxiety haha. I also have a really bad dry mouth. My mum has been known to accidently use my tooth brush a lot lol. :( maybe i have an infection?

17-03-11, 20:28
what are they like ive had many problems with my teeth and ulcers adn abcesses and infections all cos of the aount of caffenine ive drank x

17-03-11, 20:30
Im not sure, there in an akward place to look at. the one on the right side i can feel though.

17-03-11, 20:31
just re read..have you shown your dentist them.
it could be ulcers but they would be painfull so would a infection most likley thing is its just the way your mouth is.
i have a weird thing in my mouth on sides but mines from when i wore a brace when i was a kid it would dig into my gums and no i have been left with this weird thing lol x

17-03-11, 20:37
thanks, i went to dentist two weeks ago and they wernt there then, They have appearead today. I can defintly feel the right one (its a little painful) been having tooth pain and bleeding to

17-03-11, 20:43
that really sounds like ulcers then mate,
hoestly when im run down i get them all over. try and get some rest and not to touch it. you can just get odd one and then can be big/small.
if its not gone in a week then go back but more than likley it will have.
the fact you have tooth pain and bleeding would tie n with ulcers. if its an infection just see how pain goes it would get worse an dyou would get a small smell. xx
dont panic though it doesnt sound anything major x

17-03-11, 20:45
Thank you. I really appreciate you putting my mind at rest (at least fot the time being lol)
Had a really good few days and now im just back to normal.

17-03-11, 20:47
snap i had a ace few weeks and have gone back abit with my breathing but thinking positive is the only way.

its ok hun i wouldnt lie neither so hope you cna elieve me. i only no a bit about mouth cos i promise ive been there im a pain with my mouth xx

17-03-11, 21:37
I have a lot of mouth pain and also concerned about infections and ulcers, what I did was give it a few days to see how it was, it didnt change to I called my GP and asked for speak to a friendly doctor over the phone, I described it and he said it didnt seem like anything to worry about but hes happy to take a look if i want.

Maybe you could just call your GP and do the same thing, that would also put your mind at rest.

17-03-11, 22:11
yeah could call gp hun but i think you could try for a bit first try not to get reassurance even though ive given you it lol i mean all the time

18-03-11, 14:00
Thanks, may see gp im not decided yet.
Today im very anxious again :(. on the back of my head i have a big mole thing never seen it thi=ough only ever felt it, terrified of cancer again. Also i have terrible pain around nose and and teeth. feels so terrible. also when eating food it gets stuck in chest, i just cant cope

18-03-11, 14:10
ive got gingerish colour hair and had severe sun burn twice as a child and again last summer twice, even though i spalled on loads of suncream every 30 mins in the summer.

18-03-11, 14:44
i feel in so much pain that i really want to cry... i keep yawning as well and its embrassing because im not at home. I dont know if i look really shaky or not,

18-03-11, 16:44
im really terrified now as i have those two spots in my mouth and have had sinus trouble for months. bad gum pain to? what if i have a serious condition :(. got bad pain in forehead to and sometimes pain around ear area.

18-03-11, 17:26
i can also feel something between my big toe and 2nd toe. really scared. Im in a huge mode of anxiety and cant calm down

18-03-11, 18:35
hi chick x
if i sat right now and though about my body the way you are i would feel so much. random things

all your doing is paying too much info to your body. its normal with anxiety cos i used to do and now obsess about my breathing x x
stay calm chick x

19-03-11, 17:13
Thanks. Im really convinced i have cancer today though. On either side of my neck (mainly one side i get pain sometimes) also when eating and drinking sometimes food feels like its getting stuck in my throat. I cant cope. I can just imagine going to bed one day and never waking up because the cancer is to advanced.

19-03-11, 17:24
also i used to suffer from temp variations. i am really hot now. And when ever i sit at home all day doing nothing i just sweat- and it doesnt make any difference on how anxious i am.

19-03-11, 17:42
Em its all anxiety related, throat probs is due to the muscle tension, the more you focus on it the worst it will be, temp variations are one of my most annoying problems, right now i have my window wide open and i have my fan on full very close to me, and i am still hot, everyone freezes when they are in my room. the thoughts that something bad is wrong, is just your anxious mind playing tricks, i used to be like that, but now i don't worry about serious illness, i know it is the anxiety, as it comes and goes, serious illness doesn't come and go. i have had a terrible day today, felt really ill, but i know it is just anxiety as well as my m.e, i just try to distract myself with things i enjoy x

19-03-11, 17:45
Can i also just add to that, you say doesn't matter how anxious you are, when anxiety goes in, it also affects your subconscious mind, due to learnt behaviours, so even tho at times you may think, but i don't feel anxious, you subconcious mind is switched on to constant alert as that is what it has learnt to do, it is only when you change your thought process that this will go away too x

20-03-11, 11:39
Thank you. I agree, the temp varrying is horrible :(. Feel panicky now and i dont know why. and just heard a pop in right ear.

20-03-11, 11:53
it also feels funny it that ear now. Also still suffering with the pain in nose and gum pain. Convinced my sinus troubles are spreading or i have cancer or some other disease/infection.
I also get pain in chest (near neck) when i cough.

20-03-11, 12:07
Body temperature changes by up to 1 degree throughout the day, so if you do check your temp daily its best to check it when you wake up before you eat or drink anything.

Emma, have you heard of TMJ? You are having pain in quite a few of the right sounding places. Do you grind your teeth when anxious or clench your jaw?

20-03-11, 12:38
I have heard of TMJ mentioned on here but have no idea what it means. I'm not aware of me grinding my teeth or clenching my jaw.

20-03-11, 18:50
also i have no idea but the big mole thing on the back of my head that ive never seen is worrying me to. Its also raised. Im convinced i have some form on cancer.

20-03-11, 19:20
Is it silly to go the docs because of one mole?
also the pain i get in my ankles and my toes squeezing togehter sometimes makes me thinks its cancer more or a neuro problem. I also am very clumsy sometimes. Also ive been anxious the last two days and havnt been yawning or tired so i dont understand how this is related to anxiety. The last thing is the food getting trapped to.

20-03-11, 19:43
no its not silly about a molei if it is not a normal mole. ask someone close and honest to have a look and give their opinion on if it looks different. x our anxious mindsprocieve things different.

your food getting trapped is more than likely your anxiety. if your food was getting trapped then you would be choking everytime you ate anything.

20-03-11, 19:54
Thanks. I will have to wait until tommorow to ask someone which makes my mind worry even more. Even if it is not normal. which i can feel its not because its so raised- whats the chances of it being cancerous.
I also have really bad dry skin- and ive always scratched my skin so badly i have scars still. It also stings when in water and is flaky and white in places- i even founf blood o on my leg the other day. Ive had bad surn burn a few times- i've got gingerish colour hair and am so pale. Im really worried. The big "C" just wont leave my mind.

20-03-11, 20:08
im scared to go to bed now- im petrified i have cancer and ill die in my sleep.

20-03-11, 20:18

a lot of moles are raised i have raised moles my husband is covered it does not mean cancer.
all the skin problems your complaining of are all to do with your dry skin and scratching put on some moisturiser that will ease it.
and lastly and I'm sorry for being harsh but please look back through your posts. you obcesring about every little thing in your body. are you sat looking at it. distract your self you need to help yourself.

i can say this cos i have been where you are. i could do it now i still do but switch off. if i thought about my body crikey i would have pain and weird sensations every where.

20-03-11, 20:23
Thank you. Dont worry your not being harsh, I understand were your coming from completly. I just feel like ive seen raised moles on people before but this one is so raised. I also still have the "bruise" underneath my toe nail but it hasnt changed at all. I also have a weird feeling in my top gum at the moment near the back of my mouth , my symtopms are always so varied and i tend to match them all togehther and come up with something that i think is wrong. for example i was running the other day and got the pain in my ankle (i only ran about three steps to the bus stop). Ive had this before to.

Anyway I have counessling in early April and it couldnt come soon enough for me. I am using dove moisturiser at the moment and dove soap/shower gel.

20-03-11, 21:34
yeah i do that too. i got a pain in my toe earlier and relate it to my chest.
you just got to reassuapd your self rather than listing it on here wanting it all you got to reassure your self. glad your getting right help chick sounds like your heading in right direction

20-03-11, 21:44
Anxiety can certainly loosen your bowels. There can be an immediate brain to gut reaction. We were designed (or so the experts say) to have a bowel movement with anxiety so that we can be lighter and run faster...even in the animal kingdom this is the way it is.