View Full Version : Gutted this has happened

17-03-11, 19:27
:wacko: Hello all,

I have been suffereing from Panic Attacks for many years now, but I ave never had any whilst driving......untill today....I popped out in my car locally when making my way back that horrible cold dread feeling came again, convinced my balance was going or the steering, scared I was gonna crash, then the worse ever my arms felt numb like I wasnt going to be able to move them to control the steering...my turning was coming up and I just froze....I dont know how I did it but when I had turned I pulled up expecting to have a full blown attack, but it didnt come. I sat there for approx 20 mins wondering how I was going to get home. Now Im sat here knowing how hard its gonna be getting in the car tomorrow ad I just dont know how Im gonna deal with this!!! :-( Any ideas would be welcome....hate the 'failure' feeling.

17-03-11, 19:29
Hi StopIwannaGetOff

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-03-11, 20:17
Hi. I'm sorry this happened to you. I can't offer any advice because I can't drive but I will say that I've struggled with panic attacks in various settings and I know how scary it can be. I'm thinking of you. (((HUGS))) :flowers:

17-03-11, 20:39
ive had similiar things at wheel and they are scary as hell, but one thing is ive always stayed in control.

firstly make sure you get in your car tomorow under no circumstances do you not go drive cos otherwise you will end up in a circle.
secondly be reassured you paicked today for the first tie did you crash or anything?

no....so try not to worry you no if you feel like it just pull over like you did today then tomorow come back on here and make sure you ell us all how you ahve got back in and drove.

keep positive hunni xxx

Vanilla Sky
17-03-11, 21:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

18-03-11, 13:34

What lovely support!!!! I did get in the car again today...it was awful.....just round the corner..gonna try and not let this beat me. When they happen you feel like you have gone back to square one...got to start a new job shortly and I have to drive there :-( Thank you everyone xxxxx

18-03-11, 13:40
Same thing happened to me about 10 years ago, just keep going love- you will be fine- you have the right thought process and the panic/anxiety will abate. Love and Hugs x

18-03-11, 18:42
a massive massive congratp to you you may have felt horrid but you did it. your winning keep goingyour doing great. its so easy to think nope I'm not getting back in car etc etc but what you will do is e up letting it beat you.
if i get scared i have to try and put my self back in the situation. i just hope te panic will lessen the more i keep doing it. so keep going and don't pull sad faces your doing good x

18-03-11, 20:26
hi there, im quite new to here but suffering from same as you dreaded panic attacks!

I have had the same as you, a panic attack whilst driving and it was awful so scary! but as its already been pointed out...you have to look back at what happened and realise that you are OK! yes it happened but hey your still here, you didnt have heart attack or anything and got through it...just keep telling yourself that and you'll realise that your in control! when you start to feel anxious in the car again (if you do) say to yourself come on then, if your going to give me a panic attack - do it now...and guess what it wont happen because you build a barrier that prevents it from happening, I learnt this and that if you actually try to have a panic attack you cant!! it sounds mad but works..but I do know how scary this is believe me - but at the end of day, nothing major will happen you just have to tell yourself wait a minute im in control...pull over and compose yourself before continuing your journey. wish you the best :hugs: