View Full Version : Irrational/scary thought

17-03-11, 20:03
I hoping someone can relate to this.

Do any of you have an irrational thought that really scares you? For the last few months I've been having the thought about the world hanging out in space on nothing and that the universe just goes on and on. When I have the thought, it really scares me and sometimes it feels like the fear of it will overtake me and I'll lose it. Then I worry that the thought will never leave. I know the thought is irrational and nothing to be afraid of, but for whatever reason, I've attached a fear to it.

Anyone relate?

17-03-11, 20:38
Yes I've had this, although for me it's usually a tune I can't get rid of or a word that keeps popping into my head. The trouble is, when it keeps happening we react with a panicky sensation, and then we associate the panic with the thought which makes it worse! The trick for me is to just shrug it off and tell myself it doesn't matter because everyone gets funny thoughts sometimes. I don't try to stop it happening. I joke about it, tell people about it, and let it flood into my mind... and guess what? After a couple of days it's gone! Honestly, don't worry about it and it will gradually disappear (I know it's easier said than done). Good luck. :flowers:

21-03-11, 20:45
Me oh me. I cannot get rid of thoughts about the world and universe now. I so know how you feel, as if there is no way of getting out of the cycle of these thoughts. Its all I ever think about now, I just want to die. Lets let each other know if we ever manage to stop thinking about this in our lives.
You are the first person who has managed to express this fear.
Well done. I couldn't do it in my post.