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17-03-11, 21:30
I was not sure whether to post this. My Dad was taken to hospital by ambulance this morning. He had collapsed and his carer found him. He has been unwell for a while and complaining of shortness of breath. He had a severe nose bleed a few weeks ago and my sister and I thought he had had a stroke. Tonight he is on the cardiac ward. My N is in Canada until Saturday. I just need some support tonight. I haven't posted about this before but the last few weeks have been horrendous. EJ.

Hazel B
17-03-11, 21:33

Try not to fret too much, I know that's not easy. I hope your Dad is going to be OK.

paula lynne
17-03-11, 21:34
To EJ, Im so sorry about your dad. Im sure they are giving him the best possible care in the cardiac ward. Do you have anyone with you tonight? Dont be alone. Look after yourself ok. Sending love x:hugs:

17-03-11, 21:53
Oh hun, ur dad is in the best place. You should have told us, it's horrid isn't it you feel so helpless.

Prayers and hugs for you and your familyxxxx

17-03-11, 21:59
Hi thanks my son is asleep in bed. I going to head off to bed soon. I'm going to work tomorrow and see Dad on Saturday. The staff nurse has my contact nos as I am next of kin. I'll take a low dose sleeping pill so hopefully I will sleep. I have already given a lot of his history over the phone. I'm glad he is in hospital as he has lost about 2st in weight. Both my sister and I have thought the doctor has been missing something. He has been slurring his words and lost interest in himself and not eating. He phones us in a panic but it could be panic? thyroid? macular degeneration? He is going blind. He has macular hallucinations.That and the shortness of breath. Poor darling hopefully some of his problems will now be addressed. I was beginning to feel negligent as we did not know what to do. So tired so going to bed now. Thank you EJ.

17-03-11, 22:10
I'm sorry to hear your Dad is unwell. You hang in there and stay strong. Let us know how he is doing. (((HUGS))) :flowers:

17-03-11, 22:46

So sorry to hear that your dad is poorly, will be thinking of you both, wishing him a speedy recovery. take care P x :hugs:

17-03-11, 23:23
Sorry about your Dad EJ .:hugs:Thinking of you ,I know how worrying it can be having an Elderly parent in hospital .I hope he recovers soon .Take care of yourself and I hope you get some sleep .Luv Sue xx:hugs:

blue moon
18-03-11, 00:54
Hello Elizabeth,I just would like to send some hugs to you,hoping all is well with your Father.:bighug1::bighug1:
Love Petra x:flowers:

18-03-11, 09:30
Hi EJ, hopefully being in hospital means they can find out what is at the root of what's going on. :hugs: to you both and please take care of yourself xxx

18-03-11, 09:56
oh EJ, my heart goes out to you. I have had similar issues with a GP, but eventually we got some answers when I reported GP to GMC.

As you say hopefully now your dad is in hospital, you will find and get some answers about his health.

Thinking of you sweetie and understand completelyxx

18-03-11, 10:18
Sorry to hear your dad in hospital


mandie x

18-03-11, 15:12
Hi ElizabethJane
I am so sorry to read about your Dad. The poor man sounds like he has been through a lot.
You must obviously be very worried, however he is the right place now, to be looked after and treated, and hopefully the doctors will find out what is causing him all the health problems he is having.
Sending you hugs and thinking of you,as I do know it is very stressful at times worrying about and caring for elderly and unwell parents.
Hoping that your Dad is soon feeling a lot better.

18-03-11, 18:23
Dear E J,
Do hope your Dad as improved.He does sound quite poorly.
Sending hugs for you:hugs:
Take care

18-03-11, 18:58
Any news? :hugs:

18-03-11, 22:07
Dad is to go onto an acute respiratory ward tonight. I thank you all for your support and kind messages. My sister and I will see him tomorrow as childcare has been difficult tonight and N is not due back from Canada until tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know how we get on. Just hope I can get some sleep tonight. EJ.

18-03-11, 22:34
Thinking of you EJ at this time and I send my love to you all

18-03-11, 23:01
Hope your dad gets better soon EJ.

18-03-11, 23:14
Im sure you will be informed if your Dads condition changes EJ .It s not easy getting to the hospital when you have children ,I hope he improves soon .Sleep well and try not to worry too much .Hes being well taken care of .Only a few hours until tommorow .Sending you and your Dad a big Hug :bighug1::bighug1:luv Sue x

19-03-11, 09:38
Still thinking about you EJ. Hope you slept and that your dad is doing ok today xxx

19-03-11, 10:10
hope you dads condition is improving, thinking of you xx

19-03-11, 20:48
Hi ElizabethJane,

I have pmed you. sending you lots of hugs.


20-03-11, 07:37
Just a quick update. My Dad is quite poorly and NBM because he cannot swallow so they want to do more tests. He will have an MRI scan to tell if he has had a stroke or not. He is still on the respiratory ward and on oxygen so his breathing is a bit better. He is very confused. I will update when I can. EJ.

20-03-11, 11:52
oh sweetie, big hugs xxx
Thoughts and prayers for you and your familyxxxx

Granny Primark
20-03-11, 14:54
:hugs:Thinking of you

20-03-11, 16:04

Just picked up this thread....so sorry to hear about your Dad...my thoughts are with you and hope you can keep strong to get through this.

Take care.

22-03-11, 18:23
We have been to see Dad today. Unfortunately he is very poorly. We have spoken to the doctor looking after Dad. He is still unable to swallow but off the oxygen but still nil by mouth. He is anaemic, has low blood platelets, has episodes of unconsciousness because of lack of oxygen to his lungs (there is a medical term for this) he is still confused, his speech is slurred. He also has fluid on his lungs so they are going to do a pleural effusion. The most worrying things are a cyst on his one remaining kidney and a mass in his stomach. He is to have a further ct scan. I know that it isn't looking good for him. I need to remain strong for him. Hopefully after the weekend we will have a more detailed diagnosis. Please if you pray remember him in your prayers as I don't think that he is going to get better. I will probably pop in and out of nmp until I know any more. EJ.

22-03-11, 18:34
Thinking of you hun. Stay strong. I will pray for your Dad xxx :flowers:

22-03-11, 19:03
Hi Elizabeth
I will say a prayer for your Dad and hope that he does recover.
Thinking of you too. Sending hugs.

22-03-11, 19:07
Hi EJ,

I too will say a prayer for your Dad.....and strength for you. Have been thinking of you. Jo.xx

22-03-11, 21:45
Hi, my thoughts are with you and your dad. I hope things turn out well for you both.

22-03-11, 22:05

sorry to hear that there is no improvemant and that your dad is still very poorly, i will keep him and you in my thoughts and prayers.x

24-03-11, 18:50
Thank you for your continued support. Things are very difficult. Dad has been for a CT scan which has shown a renal mass. He is still ni by mouth as he is unable to swallow. Whilst we were there the nurses were trying to pass a tube into his stomach but he was crying too much so they gave up. The doctor will arrange an X ray tomorrow but they will have the results of the CT scan so I will try to speak to a doctor tomorrow. I feel very tired but I'm still coping (just). EJ.

24-03-11, 18:53
I'm so sorry EJ. Hope your dad manages to improve and I wish you strength to cope :bighug1:

24-03-11, 23:26
Oh I am so sorry about what your Dad is going through.
It is not easy, I know, to watch your parents suffer. My thoughts are with you and your Dad, and hope he pulls through.
Thinking of you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Deepest Blue
24-03-11, 23:29
Oh gosh only just saw this, I so hope he gets through it and is OK bless him.. Take Care of yourself to ok....xx

25-03-11, 02:45
Still thinking of you and your Dad xxx

25-03-11, 15:51
Thinking of you EJ .:hugs:I hope your Dad manages to get better .Luv Sue x:bighug1:

25-03-11, 17:22
Dear EJ,

Bless you....so sorry your Dad is still having such a bad time, must be so hard for you. I will pray for you both.


Hazel B
25-03-11, 20:06

Stay strong, take care.

27-03-11, 15:36
still thinking of you, sending you strength xx

27-03-11, 16:38
Hi EJ....wondered how things were?? Still thinking of you.


27-03-11, 19:36
Hope all is a little better EJ, I understand completely.


27-03-11, 22:46
I have been to see Dad this afternoon. He is still seriously unwell. The good news is that they have managed to put the NG tube into his nose/stomach. At least now he is getting some nutrition. He seemed very sleepy but able to whisper a little. Thank you all for your continuing prayers. EJ.

paula lynne
27-03-11, 22:48
Sending you both my love and prayers EJ x

27-03-11, 22:58
Hiya, sorry to hear about your news. I will say a prayer for you. xx
Keep up your strength and look after yourself!!!

Hazel B
28-03-11, 18:17
Thinking of you, stay strong.:hugs:

28-03-11, 22:39
Will keep your Dad and you in my thoughts and will say a prayer.
It is so painful and heartbreaking to watch the ones you love being so unwell. At least your Dad is being properly cared for now.
Take good care of yourself too, Elizabeth, because it can become very draining due to all the worry and emotion.
I hope your Dad starts feeling better soon. You sound like a lovely daughter being there for him and I am sure it comforts him a lot, knowing that you are there with him.

28-03-11, 23:16
Thank you once again. We go to see Dad again tomorrow. A big hug to you all. EJ.

29-03-11, 01:11
thinking of you ElizabethJane and praying for you. :hugs:

30-03-11, 00:18
Hi ElizabethJane
How is your Dad feeling today?
Thinking of you.

macc noodle
30-03-11, 07:29
Thinking of you and sending hugs.

30-03-11, 07:35
sorry hear about your dad. hope thing go well.
big hugs:bighug1:

30-03-11, 08:24
Sorry to hear about your Dad. In a way, its good that he is in Hospital because tests will be run, then your Dad will get the right treatment.
Regards, Amanda

01-04-11, 16:14
Hello EJ,

Just wondered if there was any improvement with your Dear Dad???

Thinking of you...


paula lynne
01-04-11, 16:20
Just to let you know Im thinking of you EJ x:hugs:

01-04-11, 16:29
Hi all thank you for your concern. I haven't visited Dad since Tuesday but will go on Sunday. I do know that he has been moved onto the general ward but is back on the oxygen. He has had the ng tube removed so we will have to see whether he can swallow again or not. The renal mass is almost certainly cancerous (6ins) and he has fluid around his heart and lungs. The important thing here although long term his prospects are not good he is looking foward. I don't think he knows how ill he actually is? My own GP has said that if he comes back to C for palliative care that she will look after all of us. It is such a relief and I did not have to ask . Thank you all and big hugs to you all. EJ.

01-04-11, 17:13
Im so very sorry about the tumour EJ .The main thing is thst he is comfortable and free from pain ..I hope you are taking good care of yourself through this very difficult and sad time .I hope at least he can begin to swallow again and the fluid clears At least he is unaware and looking forward .But it must be very hard for you ..Lots of love thinking of you ..Sue x:bighug1:

02-04-11, 15:40
Hello Elizabeth Jane,
Thinking of you , Keep strong.
Lots of Love x

02-04-11, 17:00

maybe it is for the best that your dad does not realise how very ill he is, and that even in his poor state ,his mind is still looking forward. I believe This will help him to cope with what is happening to him .
Glad you have sorted out at least some of the plans for future care with your Gp, as you say that is a weight off your mind.
thinking of you, dad and your family...
love and care P XX

02-04-11, 17:15
Oh EJ,

Thank goodness for a fab Doctor, when you find a good one it is so important at times like this.

Bless your dad, he maybe trying to protect you but whatever, he is being positive and that is so lovely.

Take care of you, and enjoy your dad.

We are here for you all the wayxxxx

04-04-11, 17:06
Thank you one and all for your support. We were called to the hosptial last night as Dad was detriorating. He had gone into respiratory failure and was hypercapnic. He had too much carbon dioxide in his lungs as he has a chest infection. We arrived at the hosptial and it was horrible as he was so poorly. He was on the cardiac ward so the charge nurse from the respiratory ward came and moniored him on a breathing machine. It was quite distressing to watch but Dad went from being barely conscious to opening his eyes and being responsive. I have not been able to work today as we went to the hospital again and spoke to his doctor. I am feeling very tired and spaced out as I am not able to go to sleep and waking early. It does feel hard to cope but I am coping. Thank you and bless you all. EJ.

04-04-11, 17:28
Dear EJ,

I pray things improve for your Dad....and I pray for the strength for you to get you through these difficult times.

Take care,

paula lynne
04-04-11, 18:50
Sending love and letting you know you are in my thoughts EJ. Get some rest now love x

04-04-11, 19:08

its a tough time right now, and you have to get through it all as best you can, you know that we are all here for you, and willl do what we can to support you. sending my love, keep strong xx

04-04-11, 19:31
Oh hun , how horrid. You are right not to work today. Take some time out for you, this is stressful and traumatic so take good care of you. And only do what you are comfortable doing.
We are all thinking and praying for you, your dad and your family.

And we are here for you anytime at allxxxx

04-04-11, 22:42
my thoughts are with you stay strong :hugs:


04-04-11, 23:46
Thinking of you xxx

08-04-11, 06:45
still thinking of you xx

08-04-11, 14:30
Keep strong EJ

08-04-11, 15:20
Thank you he is still very poorly. He is on the acute respiratory ward and on oxygen. He is still unable to swallow and they are trying to give him some thickened fluids. We will go again on Sunday. He is still very confused. Thank you for all your kind words of support. EJ.

08-04-11, 15:34
thinking of you ElizabethJane, your in my prayers.

sending you lots of hugs

08-04-11, 22:55
EJ - please look after yourself as well. I know how draining it is to keep going up the hospital and being with someone very ill.

I was completely knackered last week and very stressed out.

It is more draining and tiring that you think isn't it?

Take care and thinking of you

08-04-11, 22:58
Still thinking of you. :flowers:

09-04-11, 13:03
Thanks Nicola and all on nmp. I'm better once I'm at work. It is difficult as my son still needs me at thirteen for meals, and clean clothes. It is a job to keep going especially with not sleeping very well. I'm not sure what the outcome will be as he was so poorly last weekend. Hugs to you all. I might go to see Dr J my psychiatrist because at times I feel near to the edge. EJ.

09-04-11, 15:36
Stay strong. We are all thinking of you. xxx

10-04-11, 15:13
Sendin you hugs to show we are thinking about you
Keep stong, keep away from that edge please E J:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

15-04-11, 16:17
Unfortunately my dear Father died this morning. I had gone to work and had a call to go to the hospital urgently. Unfortunately we were too late as he had already died. I am feeling very sad but I'm ok. I want to thank all my friends on NMP for their kind thoughts, hugs love and prayers over the last four weeks. Dad is still at the hosptial and it wont be until Monday before they release the death certificate. The cause of death was respiratory disease and renal cancer. They did not do a biopsy on the mass so might have to perform an autopsy. Thank you for all your prayers. EJ

15-04-11, 16:35
Oh EJ....so sorry to hear about your Dad....thinking of you at this very sad time and sending you my deepest sympathy.


macc noodle
16-04-11, 01:53

So sorry to hear the sad news. Thoughts with you and your family.

