View Full Version : hi every1 this is my first post

18-03-11, 01:20
hello all,

this is my first time on a site like this but i thought its about time i spoke out and seeked/gave advice to people who understand my pain.

about me..

lifes been tough..not as bad as some people but still tough. Im aproaching 30 years old and have suffered with depression for at least 10 years. I didnt seek help until last year after a failed suicide attempt swiftly followed by 2 more in as many months. i was prescribed 40mg cilatropram and have come off them 3 weeks ago.

I dont feel suicidal like i did but ive got serious self confidence issues and insecurities that i have to try and keep under wraps in order to try and live a normal life.

people dont understand why im so down on myself, im constantly told by many people that im good looking, a nice person intelligent etc etc but i dont see myself that way. my insecurities and jealousy has destroyed most of my relationships.

its like every time something good happens in my life i expect it to go wrong. I recently landed a good job and have met an amazing woman..yet every day i expect to get sacked or get dumped..its a constant battle not to quiz my new partner about her exes and so on.

i probably sound like a complete nutter lol..but this is stuff that i am going through that is holding me back in life..i feel inferior and i dont believe that i have what it takes to lead a normal life :weep:

thanks for listening

18-03-11, 01:22
Hi bennyboy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
18-03-11, 06:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

18-03-11, 09:35
Hello Benny :welcome:. Of course you don't sound like a nutter. But you do need to work on your self-esteem, either by using self-help books or with professional help eg CBT if you haven't had it (or possibly even if you have).
Hope NMP is a help xx