View Full Version : fed up

18-03-11, 09:39
Hi all i feel so fed up this last week im already on antideppresants but feel so low im having a lot of bowel pain with my ibs and this morning i was laid in bed and tried to feel where most of my pain was on my lower left side near ovary and when i pressed it was very painful i dont know if i pressed to hard but the pains not gone ive now got a burning pain where i always do but a bit worse do you think ive just aggravated it by pressing on it or do you think it could be something more serious my gp had a good prod about a month ago and said everything felt normal and it was ibs but as anyone else experienced lasting pain after pressing on your bowel or do you think im focusing on it too much i wish my mum was here but i lost her 2 years ago and she used to help me with my anxieties i miss her so much x

18-03-11, 09:44
I suffer from IBS too and i know how horrible this can be. I have pain with it alot of the time,one time it was so sore that i thought it was my appendix,i was taken to hospital and it turned out that my appendix was fine and that it was just the IBS,you can get some tablets from the doctor or from your chemist for muscle cramps in your stomach. xx

18-03-11, 09:45
Hi, I too get bowel pain on the left hand side it seems to be around my waist sometimes and goes around to my back and feels like it could be wind. It does not hurt when I prod. I also get a burning type pain around my bladder area, is that where you mean?

18-03-11, 09:56
no lucyR the burning pain is low left hand side near ovary my gyno said my ovaries feel fine so must be my bowel its so painful x

18-03-11, 09:58
thanks mhari30 i have taken some colpermin waiting for them to work hopefully i also have buscopan they sometimes work sometimes not x

18-03-11, 13:11
Sorry to hear that you're feeling grotty again. I know what you mean about the burning pains as I've had these, usually low in my stomach and across both ovaries. Around Christmas I also got so bloated that at times my bowel felt like an inflated type, it was really disgusting!

18-03-11, 16:07
thanks mhari30 i have taken some colpermin waiting for them to work hopefully i also have buscopan they sometimes work sometimes not x

Hi Bronte

I,ve read your posts about the stomach issues , burning etc and i can relate to all of them , even the pain in the side (my ibs seems to have returned this week:lac:)
I think some things that i thought was my acid stomach was ibs , muscle spasms and some burning , gurgling . I don,t have ovaries (male)
but the pain i get is under my ribs on the left hand side and by my kidneys . Loose stools again every colour of the rainbow ..lol..
Still can,t swallow properly somedays and still have this globus feeling ..ahhh well its not going to beat me this weekend .
Don,t feel anxious though (i don,t think?) trouble is i,ve forgot whats normal anymore .

Hope you feel better soon x

18-03-11, 18:10
Hi mel2 thanks for your reply and i know what you mean when you say you dont know what normal feels like anymore im fed up of feeling rubbish im trying not to focus on it because it does make it worse but it is difficult x

18-03-11, 18:34
Am also suffering with bad pains all in my lower left side and keep getting myself all worked up thinking its something more than just IBS and haaving the worse burning from just below my ribs in center all down to my lower left i've sat here here the past hour or so just constant crying am always n pain but the burning is the worse (dont help i havent eaten since 1pm) but am at that point am now to scared to eat incase it kicks my IBS off even more i just don't no where to turn :weep:

18-03-11, 18:59
Hi Honeyp1e im also sat here nearly close to tears the pain has been constant today and i keep thinking is it possible ibs can cause this much pain its like a burning searing pain from under my left ribs right down to my left groin to tell you the truth ive felt very panicky with the thought that i will have this pain for the rest of my life it dominates what i eat /drink and do all the time ive had enough of this constant pain x

18-03-11, 19:29
Ibs can go away , i had it chronic when i was 26 ish , it lasted for six months . Severve pain , especially in the night in the bottom of my stomach that also went down my left leg ? I was constantly peeing aswell as my insides were in spasms that much it pressed on my bladder . I could hardly eat anything . It did get much much better and i just get the occasional flare up now .
It took 6 months to settle down so don,t get upset ladys it can get better .
My sister inlaw had a bad few months with it a one off and hers has cleared aswell . Stress plays a major part in it imho .


19-03-11, 00:02
Thanks mel2 i hope so x

19-03-11, 01:35
Ibs can go away , i had it chronic when i was 26 ish , it lasted for six months . Severve pain , especially in the night in the bottom of my stomach that also went down my left leg ? I was constantly peeing aswell as my insides were in spasms that much it pressed on my bladder . I could hardly eat anything . It did get much much better and i just get the occasional flare up now .
It took 6 months to settle down so don,t get upset ladys it can get better .
My sister inlaw had a bad few months with it a one off and hers has cleared aswell . Stress plays a major part in it imho .


been really bad for me tonight dont no if its just constapation pains/wind or spasms ??just making me feeling sickly pressure down below etc like flipping labour contractions can feel it going into my bottom only i cant get nothing out (sorry ) helllpppp now an getting hunger noises shouting at me how do i no its constipation & nothing majorr ???

19-03-11, 01:54
Its constipation and gas Honeypie ..Try to eat something like cereal or Porridge for breakfast .White bread causes wind .Eat brown bread if you have to eat bread .Also some fruit ,tinned is ok as it isnt so acidic ..You arent getting enough fibre and your bowel is having to work very hard to move your stools along .You then get a build up of gas .T/c sue x

19-03-11, 11:52
Its constipation and gas Honeypie ..Try to eat something like cereal or Porridge for breakfast .White bread causes wind .Eat brown bread if you have to eat bread .Also some fruit ,tinned is ok as it isnt so acidic ..You aren't getting enough fibre and your bowel is having to work very hard to move your stools along .You then get a build up of gas .T/c sue x

OMG really just wind plus constipation ???? i have been the loo late last night & again this morning but still having this nervous belly feeling if i sit with my hand on my belly you wanna feel all the wind movements i just cant cope and lower back pains, but keep thinking its a bug or something & am now hungry but just wont eat with fear it'll make it worse or go right through me i cant win,,,, the bread i have been living on like forever is high fibre bread ??

19-03-11, 15:48
i went out for a drink and something to eat last night and am terribly bloated today but im concentrating that much on the bloating ive not had the lower left pain much today i think we sometimes make it worse ourselves x

19-03-11, 18:42
Hi Bronte,

I have been having the same problems as you have been having, pain near left ovary which hurts when pressed on, constant gas and feeling like want to go to the toilet again. I have been to the docs three times about this and each time they say it is IBS, I am really worried at the moment because I have really thin stools so I am thinking the worse, I am scheduled for an ultrasound next sunday so will let you know the outcomex

19-03-11, 19:18
Hi Bronte,

I have been having the same problems as you have been having, pain near left ovary which hurts when pressed on, constant gas and feeling like want to go to the toilet again. I have been to the docs three times about this and each time they say it is IBS, I am really worried at the moment because I have really thin stools so I am thinking the worse, I am scheduled for an ultrasound next sunday so will let you know the outcomex

i had an ultrasound last week as i kept thinking this is more than IBS all came back clear having bad day today with ibs really bad spasms :weep: & i find am worried 24/7 which only makes it worse

20-03-11, 00:06
Hi nikki39 i find my stools are really thin the more bowel spasms im having and so do alot of my friends who suffer from ibs so dont worry let me know how you get on xx

20-03-11, 00:08
Hi honeyp1e im the same i worry all the time because its so painful x

20-03-11, 00:15
Hi bronte

When I was having really bad problems with my IBS a little while ago, the spasms were so bad sometimes it was like cr*pping toothpaste (tmi!) and mine was definitely made worse by anxiety. as the anti-depressants started to work, the IBS started to ease off.

Honeyp1e, like SuzySue says, you really need to start eating small quantities of fruit and veg, even if it's soup or fruit smoothies. It will help loads with the constipation as it will speed up your bowel. At the moment, your bowel's working overtime trying to move all the carbohydrate around, and it hasn't got much to help it, which will certainly be making the pain worse.

20-03-11, 07:01
Its just constant worrying i find my mind is just working over time and i never get five minutes rest well starting my higher dose of my anti-depressants today :) as i no this is what helps cut out all that negative thinking about me eating etc,,,,

20-03-11, 07:14
Hi honeyp1e im the same i worry all the time because its so painful x

I find my mind works over 24/7 and with my anxiety i just lose all appetite then i worry about not eating can also make IBS worse i just never get rest EVER and am at that point now am just to scared to eat anything incase i end up in pain & spasms i no its all trail & error but it just knocks me and i find am suffering every day :weep:

20-03-11, 07:16
Hi bronte

When I was having really bad problems with my IBS a little while ago, the spasms were so bad sometimes it was like cr*pping toothpaste (tmi!) and mine was definitely made worse by anxiety. as the anti-depressants started to work, the IBS started to ease off.

Honeyp1e, like SuzySue says, you really need to start eating small quantities of fruit and veg, even if it's soup or fruit smoothies. It will help loads with the constipation as it will speed up your bowel. At the moment, your bowel's working overtime trying to move all the carbohydrate around, and it hasn't got much to help it, which will certainly be making the pain worse.

Yes i find if my anxiety is bad or am upset/stressed my stomach starts to cramp or go into spasms but am just constanley thinking about my stomach and find that with my anxiety am walking round all tensed

20-03-11, 10:28
Morning Honeyp1e i get up in the morning pain free then as i start to move around or go to the toilet i start to be aware of my bowel then the vicious circle and pain continue for the rest of the day i know exactly how you feel x