View Full Version : light headedness and jaw ache

18-03-11, 13:58
i keep getting light headedness like my heads swaying and its not got enough blood or something and now my jaw feels like its aching. i dont know what it could be but its getting me worried. does anyone recognise the symptoms?

linda a
19-03-11, 03:33
hi how r u i just wanted to let u know that u are not alone hun i ve been lightheaded 24/7 for 8 months and also feel off balance swaying its very scarey......i also have jaw pain i am trying to understand if this is anxiety to

19-03-11, 07:22
Hi both these symptoms could be caused by tmj, this is a prolem caused by clenching your teeth (sometimes you don't know you are doing it). It is a common problem for people with stress/anxiety. There's loads of post on here if you do a quick search. In terms of tmj I think being lightheaded and off balance is caused by all the tension in your neck and face. Hope this helps a little, I've got tmj made worse at the moment as got 2 wisdom teeth coming through! X