View Full Version : Nuero symptoms and perhaps a self test

18-03-11, 15:49
I am a 40 yr old male and long time sufferer of HA. I am not currently medicated and generally have been feelilng OK until the last few days. For several weeks I have noticed slurring and tripping over words. I have also noticed that my hands are not as sensitive as I think they should be. With my left index finger occassionally twitching. I have had twitches before and frequently but this one is different somehow. I have been able to dismiss them until now but I am really starting to freak out. I also think I have had some thinning of my forearms and getting weaker. I don't write very often but it seems like when I have to write notes or something my forearm gets very tired. Of course I am think some horrible nuero disease. Does anyone have similar or do you know of any neuro self tests that I can do to reassure myself? Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a bit incoherant as I am barely holding it together right now.

21-03-11, 00:32
I don't mean to overreact but this has been out there for a couple of days and lots of people have read it but nobody has responded. Does that mean nobody has these symptoms? If that is the case, I am sure I will be in the ER by morning. Someone please help.

21-03-11, 09:23
Sorry nobody's got back to you - I often slur and trip over words when I'm tired and/or anxious, and I also get this when I get a migraine attack. I also get twitches in my hands and face when I'm very tired, and they can go on for whole days at a time if I get them badly.

I'm not sure about neuro self-tests as I don't know whether they'd work or not. I know one of the basic tests that doctors do are reflex tests when they tap the pressure points on various parts of the body. The leg ones will work if you do them on yourself (you have to tap a specific point just below the kneecap and your lower leg twitches), but I don't know whether any of the other ones would.

Hope this helps.

Rachel W
22-03-11, 04:00
If you want to do neuro tests, just make sure that you don't get obsessed with doing so. I had/have issues with speech and had so much perceived weakness, and twitching all over my body that I went to a neurologist.

He did the reflex tests, but also strength tests. If you have clinical weakness you would know it. But some are pushing the tongue against the cheek. If you can do this where you can stretch the cheek out and it feels hard then you probably don't have any tongue weakness at all. He also pushed the fingers together and believe me he didn't push very hard so if you have clinical weakness you are pretty weak.

Anxiety can cause all the symptoms you are having and the more you worry about them the worse they can seem. I know that it is difficult but try not to think about it for a few days and I bet it will seem better.

Also, if you don't write a lot then it is normal to have the arm tire easily when doing so.

Hope that this helps. Take care.

22-03-11, 23:49
THanks to both of you. I will try not to worry