View Full Version : Medication Advice needed please..

18-03-11, 16:01
Hi guys i,m bit at my wits end at the moment and feeling pretty down, i've been trying diff meds over the years but none have helped really as when i,ve started taking these meds they tend to space me out and bring on attacks rather then help me with them,

can i get from no more panic members what you,ve been taking and how you,ve done on them as i want to go back to my doctor and maby ask him if there is something diff i can try that may help my panic/anxiety attacks as i get them both pretty bad for last 10 years or so...

been nearly 2 weeks now since i,ve been out side and really need to sort something out now.

Thanx for any help :)

18-03-11, 16:15
Up until a few weeks ago I was on:

Venlafaxine 300mg
Mirtazapine 30mg
Sodium Valproate 1200mg
Zolpidem 10mg

And Didn't really find it controlled my problems. I've been through so many different drugs in the past that I won't bore you with them here but the next on the list to try is Phenelzine. It's an MAOI anti depressant that also has good results with anxiety so I'm crossing my fingers that it will be the magic cure that makes everyting ok, makes me rich and arranges my wedding with Kylie Minogue ;)

Because of the risk of Serotonin Syndrome I can't start the Phenelzine until I've had 2 weeks without the Venlafaxine or Mirtazapine so I'm currently doing that washout period atm, which sucks, a lot!

Some suggestions for you to dicusss with your doctor would be:

SSRI's (Can't remember which ones are best for anxiety)
SNRI's (Venlafaxine is the most recognised for anxiety but I'd advise reading up a bit on the discontinuation syndrome before starting it)
Mood stabilisers (lithium, valproate, lamotrigine)
Benzodiazepines (effective but addictive)
Anti-psychotics (have only tried Seroquel but it made me feel like a zombie)
MAOI's (Nardil or Parnate. Nardil has the better profile for anxiety, Parnate has less side effects)

18-03-11, 16:34
Thanx deepreason

maby Phenelzine might be the way for me, will do some reserch and also when i see if i get any more replys over the weekend i can print them out and go back to the doctors for a chat with him