View Full Version : muscle spasims everywhere!!

18-03-11, 17:41
does anyone get muscle spasims ?? i get then literally everywhere ,, carfs thighs forearms wrists fingers neck stomach top of my arms everywhere! even when im not even aware that im feeling anxious .. i could happily be playing with my little boy and suddenly ill get one and that then makes me anxious :( its a visious circle that never seems to end.. and the spasims hurt.. not to an extent but they do hurt ??? anyone ???

18-03-11, 17:43
What do you mean?? like a bolt of pain? or a sensation feeling?? x

18-03-11, 18:20
im not even sure what i mean .. like a sensation but painful not too bad just distressing .. do you know what i mean? xx

18-03-11, 18:27
Can you actually feel your muscle(s) contracting, going into spasm? Or is it more like a twitch where your muscle is clearly moving (fasciculations). Both can be due to anxiety, but it if continues I'd see your doc.

I wouldn't worry though as I've had this many times before. It generally isn't anything serious.

18-03-11, 18:34
do you feel a tightnening feeling in some areas..like your ribs/back..i get that alot..i need to see my gp but im scared..x

18-03-11, 18:48
I used to have a lot of fasciculations (had no idea what they were called, though, thanks Melancholia!) and still do if I've had a stressful day. It usually happened if my muscles had relaxed for a moment. Like if I'd just sat down or lay down or was having a hug - anything relaxing. I'd get a series of them, like a little attack, and then they'd go. Maybe lasted about ten minutes or so. Not sure what causes them but I've had them for years and I'm fine. I have nearly hit my boyfriend a few times, though, if my arm flies out! :)

SORRY, just looked up fasciculations and this is not what I meant. I mean like body jerks - called myoclonic twitches.

18-03-11, 19:34
Just stomach spasms .....like my somach is flipping over . Plus chest pain .

If i was a horse they would have shot me by now .

18-03-11, 19:40
no i cant feel it moveing just hurting :( not constant pain just comes and goes and doesnt last for long but always comes back.. xx