View Full Version : Dr changed his mind as to what it wrong with me... please leave me some opinions.

19-03-11, 01:47
Hi all, I'll start by pointing out the fact that I have a very happy life athome, no worries at all, I don't self harm but Ido have bad dry skin that I scratch at night in my sleep, normally due to sweats &/or habit. (gross I know, sorry about that.)

I was told by my Dr that my symptoms all pointed toward the fact I may have had glandular fever in the last few months but never really saw any side effects until now.
My symptoms now/were:-
Stiff muscles on the sides of my neck
glands raised on neck, armpit & groin
very dark red throat
back ache
muscle, joint & bone ache
hands trembling
Night sweats
I never had the cough, fever, sore throat etc

It stated because had an infection in my gum from a wisdom tooth coming through about 5 weeks ago, all theother symptoms popped up after that.
This turned into me needing a tooth out (which helped instantly) & the dentist telling me I needed a dental splint to widen my jaw abilites because they were very restricted & this could well be the cause of theneck pain.

During this time I was given two courses of anti-biotics & I took ibuprofen, paracetamol every day. At this point I got massive stomach pains & was told to lay off the ibuprofen (I was taking a couple every four hours or so, maybe twice a day).
All the symptoms remained except the back pain which has gone away.

But my headache never got better, my joints & bones etc kill me when I'm cold (I work in a service station next to a main door & there is NO heating so I'm always cold but as soon as I'm at home I'm fine because it's warm.

I have spent the last five weeks panicing about my symptoms (I have a back story but that's in the intro's section if you care to read it).

Full blood tests have been done inc. X-rays & everything came back fine, no cancer, no HIV, no infections, no tumours - nothing. I didn't get a brain scan but hopefully I won't convince myself I need to.

My main worry up until this point was my neck but after the splint was fitted the stiffness shifted to the base of my neck/skull.
The splint broke & now needs replacing but the stiffness still remains.
saturday my right eye felt a little funny like my eyelid had folded the wrong way while I slept (I've had this before)but I started to be convinced I had a brain tumour or a stroke or something (again, I'm in good health & 29 so stroke? Please...:doh:)
I had another appointment with a different Dr (a lady Dr) to discuss my health anxieties. I know I have an issue, all the signal flares are going up because ut feels exactly the same as it did 12 years ago when I first developed health anxiety issues & was prescribed seroxat which helped fix me (& I was fixed - been off them for 2 years).
Now I'm on fluoxitine - been five days & I'm feeling lots of side effects.

Last night I went to sleep about 3am with my beautiful girlfriend, normal time for us, & after an hour I awoke to find my right hand side of my neck was VERY stiff, it hurt when I took deep breaths in but also in my chest (like a stitch) & the left hand side of my throat was very sore.
I MUST have slept funny, had to have, but my breathing hurt so much that Igot an emergency appointment at the dr & stayed in bed all day until my appointment at 4.40.
He agreed that he could hear something slight in my chest but nothing much & that he doesn't now think that I had glandular fever symptoms as my glands would be much bigger, my throat was red, maybe from my tooth extraction healing & has given me yet more anti-biotics.

The ONLY solace I could find was in the fact that i felt so bad because I had the symptoms of glandular fever but now that may not be the case.
To top it all off my eyes feel very swollen & dry & like my face is drooping & falling from my skull (but I look fine in the mirror).

So I turn to you... What's yor opinions?
My guesses (trying to make sense of things really)

Night sweats - I think this was caused by my skin cream "unsulating" me while I slept & sweated, when I don't use it at night I don't sweat nearly half as much.

Can dry skin conditions that have broken out into sores make glands stand up? THis would explain the glands on my arm pits & groin because due to stress & me scratching in my sleep after night sweats my arms, legs & feet look like freddy krugers face & bleeding.

Can my sleeping postion be causing my stiff neck? I use lots of pillows & toss & turn all night due to the scratching & itching.

Please give me some feedback, I'm driving myself crazy.
Thank you in advance.

23-03-11, 02:02
I've recently purchased a memory foam pillow & it's not helping at all.
My neck is still stiff after many weeks & my glands are still up.
My right eye lid is still twitching & slightly swollen.
I received a call today telling me I have a talking therapy session next tuesday so I'm just trying to hold out for that but I feel like I'm going crazy, I can't keep my attention on anything I enjoy - movies, Xbox, walks - I have no motivation.