View Full Version : OMG, What a mess im in Chest Pains Racing Heart

19-03-11, 05:02
Here i go again but with a reason, had my 24 hour heart monitor on over a week ago, rang the Doctors this week and was told Results are back no futher Action required so of course i was over the moon, untill today when i had to see the Doctor over somthing else, well for wind.
I said oh i understand my Results are back and they are good, he siad lets see and he told me no they arent back yet, so i said well i was told when i rang up they were back and they were all good, no he sid thats the ECG you had done before you put the 24 hour tape on, thats what has come back and yes thats good, we are still waiting on the 24 hour tape, so you see im in a bit of a panic.
Well lets start woth the Chest Pains yes i get them all day all night, racing heart all day most of the night, My Main worry is yes the heart, but the pains in the chest are now my main concern, why do i have these all day all night?
whats with the racing heart, why is it always well over the 100s i know my heart will stop if this carrys on, so please anyone out there that can shed some light on this for me and does understnd what im going through, many thanks for reading this Ian:doh:

macc noodle
19-03-11, 08:52

I am sure that you will be fine when the test results come back for the 24hr monitor since it will show the docs. what is happening and this will enable them to help you deal with whatever is causing the problem. :)

When we are very anxious, we can induce (not consciously) aches and pains that make us even more anxious and so it goes on and on..... Racing heart and chest pain are common - the chest pain is due to you tensing all your muscles when you are anxious.

But if you are really worried and you do not get any relief, why not ring NHS Direct for advice or your own GP. I am sure that your GP would not have let you leave his surgery when you saw him if he had any concerns about your heart.

Please try not to worry.

When will they have the results back ?


19-03-11, 19:06
You'll be fine. Like RLR said, any abnormality would have shown up on the EKG. You're just focusing in on your symptoms and worrying yourself over the results of the 24 hour monitor.
Try to relax and focus on something else.

19-03-11, 20:02
Ok -- the air has been let out of your balloon just a little, but you are fine. You are just in a panic/worry state and that makes any of our symptoms three-fold. If there was any concern, you would know by now. You are being monitered -- thus you have done the right thing and all you can do. Waiting is always the hardest part, but you will see, the good news will continue. Hugs, Jen ~

21-03-11, 05:43
OMG why do i have the chest pains all day and night then, this is a worry, ive rried so amny things to take the pain away but its still there, what if i have a clot on the lung this is doing my head in now if its not one thing its another, thank you for your posts it does help but not with the pain, im trying to not think about the pains but cant help it, well off to docs today see if he can shed some light will let you all know thanks again ian x x x x

22-03-11, 11:42
I had chest pain for about a month -- doc said it was muscular/skeletal, as I am sure yours is. All this tension you are under can cause this, as you know. It is NOT your heart, and if you had a clot, you would have other symptoms as well. I think you are so stressed you are just stressing your muscles. Try and find sensitive spots around your chest or back or side even. When I had my chest pain I had a very sensitive area under my arm pit and along my side when I pressed on it and I started to suspect that might be the culprit, but it was easier to think heart and end up in the ER -- just to be sure. It was nothing and went away after about 6 weeks. Let me know what your doc says. Hugs, Jen

22-03-11, 12:58
Here's what my doctor told me....the results of the 24 hour tapes are initially reviewed by a nurse as soon as they get the tape. If a nurse sees anything other than a normal rhythm, she alerts he doctor immediately and he reviews it right away. So if you've waited a week already, there is nothing to be concerned about! If you had some kind of serious rhythm problem, you would've been in the hospital for the past week! I know it's hard, but try to relax and remember that if there was any problem, you would know about it by now!

23-03-11, 04:25
Thanks for that well i was told today my results came back on monday and the doctor still hasnt looked at them, how stupid is that, so im waiting up now till 8am to ring them and see if they have been looked at today if not im going over to my doctors and waiting to get seen, they know how nervers i am, oh well will let you know what im told hope its good news....Thanks again Ian