View Full Version : introducing myself .....

19-03-11, 09:11
hi all

Joined yesterday, and thought id post an introduction to give you my background.

Im 25, Male, and i suffer with GAD, it really started around 2 years ago, worrying all the time about the usual things, health, money, employment ect. however I can now trace various elements back a lot further.

I have tried a multitude of medications, diazepam, citalopram, fluoxitine, venlafaxine, flupintixhol, all with various side effects and generally the only one that truly made a difference was the diazepam, though not good for anything longer than a couple of days.

I have tried so hard to get cbt through my gp, and thus far no success, feeling a bit down at moment, had an appointment yesterday and really pushed him for answers ect, and he told me quote " in 40 years of practicing he had never encountered a 25 year old with my symptoms" so basically he has no knowledge of how to treat.

Im now taking Buspirone, which i have used before, no real side effects so will see how that goes.

I used to use some drugs when i was younger from age of around 15 - 19 i regularly smoked canabis and on occassion took mdma. I would like to stress i have bee drug free for 5 years, i rarely drink alcohol, maybe a glass of wine every now and then ect.

Im really looking too connect with people that have the same problems, or indeed who have been through this and come out the other side.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Sorry for the long post


19-03-11, 09:13
Hi chasinghappiness

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-03-11, 09:42
hey michael welcome. I had the same problem with my doctor. He didnt have a clue so i went directly to my local community mental health team to add some pressure on him went back and told him. Gave him all the links to their websites where he needs to make the referal. I am now on CBT on 12th Apr. He cant refuse to refer you and if he does change doctors.
This is a good site mate and you will find lots of advise.

19-03-11, 09:49

Im actually writing a letter at the moment to the Primiary Care Trust.

My gp is generally uninterested i feel and when i was talking to him i asked how long i would be taking the buspirone for, his response was maybe months or years. however after reading about it in the bnf is appears that is is not intended to be used for long term use.

I really think that my gp has no interest in helping me and rather would just give me another months worth of tablets to take

If this doesnt get resolved im going to re register elswhere, my worry is that will another gp want to take someone like me on, maybe they would get my medical records and think that because of the problems i have that i would be to much hard work

19-03-11, 10:02
if they dont take you on then find another there are good docs out there mate...

Keep fighting....

19-03-11, 13:15
Hi chasinghappiness,

Nice to meet you and I hope you find nmp as helpful and friendly as I have, even though I too am pretty new, like 3 weeks old lol.

Like you I suffer from GAD, but I also have Agoraphobia and get panic attacks, and although its something that you need to see your GP about I am on a medication called pregabalin cant see it in your list, but I have to say you are pretty much like me worked your way through the BNF for a medication to suit you.

I was told about pregabalin by a friend on another site, and she said how gr8 it was, it is a medication that it is an anti seizure medication although she was taking it for fibromyalgia, but its also prescribed for GAD so I asked my Dr about it and she prescribed it to me, initially in a low dose and I felt gr8, but the problem is trying to find the correct dose for your symptoms so I am now on 450mg a day, 150mg tds, however I think I need it to go up a bit more as I still do tend to get anxious between doses and wake up in the morning feeling pretty on edge, however when it works it works very well and depending on how you get on with it is definitely worth a try. Its non addictive although you do have to come off it gradually, but in my experience, I have had no side effects at all, in fact it has completely stopped my migraines so its all good in that respect.

Again there could be reasons why you may not be able to take it according to your medical history as with most meds, and as you are on diazapam depending on how your doctor feels about it they may not be too happy about it, though I too am on diazapam and at first I did find myself pretty sleepy on it, and slightly out of it, the longer you take it you will find the side effects going away. So maybe if you Google it and have a read about it, and if you feel it may suit you, mention it to your GP and see what he says. Also a number of people have found it excellent with a low dosage of Mirtazipine (Zispin) an anti depressant taken at night as well if they are on a lower dosage of Pregabalin.

There are a number of posts on here about it, you may find it called Lyrica as that is the commercial name of it, pregabalin being the generic name, so they may be worth a read as well.

I hope that this novel may be of some use to you lol, and look forward to seeing you again maybe in the chat room.

Take care

Vanilla Sky
19-03-11, 19:31
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x