View Full Version : Scared of getting into trouble

19-03-11, 13:45
I am a very careful driver, I never speed and am always very careful, however sometimes my concentration falls a little due to drowsiness.

During those periods I'm conscious and all but I can't really recall what I did in that time, call it day dreaming. Sometimes i look down at my speedo and I might have drifted 2-3 kms over the speed limit and I slow right back down. But I get really worried that I might have been flashed by a speed camera in that time. also due to not being able to recall what I have done I get really worried that maybe I hit someone and didnt realise. I am confident I havent but every time I drive I get worried that I have hit someone. I also get really scared of Red Light cameras. I always doubt myself that the light was actually green or if I could have stopped in time with the amber light.

So All of this leads to me checking speed camera locations, red light camera locations to see if there was one there after i drive or I go to a news website and check for any hit and runs in the area I was driving to see if I have accidentally hit someone.

I know I never break the law but I just get really anxious all the time.

I also get worried when i am online on "dodgy-ish" websites or if Im signing up for things then change my mind that they might bill me and make me pay for things. Because I can't recall exactly that I didnt sign up for something I get worried that I will get slapped with a huge bill for something I forgot I signed up for.

24-03-11, 12:29
anyone? know how to get over this fear?

24-03-11, 13:08
try learning medatation that may help you focus better the better you get at medataing along with helping you concertrate when needed. always remember no news is good news so if you had done something wrong you would know sooner rather than later hope this helps xxx