View Full Version : Is it possible to imagine or cause symptoms?

19-03-11, 13:47
I was just wondering if its possible to imagine or cause symptoms? For example, I keep thinking that when I'm walking, I'm getting a weird sort of prickling/cold sensation in my toes (mainly the big toe). However, it is completely intermittent and if I'm in the house, warm I don't have it. What do you think? Can you? Feeling weary of it all today :(

19-03-11, 15:45
Hi pan9yes i think you you focus on a pain /sensation you can make it worse or notice it more x

19-03-11, 16:18
Thanks for replying. Yeah I know what you mean. But do you think you can sort of create things yourself? I know that sounds daft. Like for instance, last weekend, I kept imagining part of my face was numb (it wasn't) but I could almost make the sensation move to somewhere else on my face if I concentrated- do you know what I mean? xx

19-03-11, 19:27
hi i did a bit about this.
and i would say yes. but dont think the pain is imagiable
more like we have trained our anxious mind to assess our bodies when we are mildly anxious s or severe anxious so it scours our body for something to focus on. and we make whatever it is far worsei x
you might be getting cold toe from cold outside perfectly nomaj but our are anxious mind percedes it is what makes it bigger x

19-03-11, 20:26
Hi, yes, the more you focus on it the more you notice it.

20-03-11, 10:50
yes if for instance if i focus on a part of my arm i will get a pain or sensation in it our minds or powerful things x