View Full Version : always feel uneasy

06-04-06, 21:38
hi im rania, i lost 25 kilos in 3 months after a diet, since then istarted to have panic attacks. they were only diagnosed a few months later,im now followed by a psyco therapist i dont get full blown attacks anymore but im constntly worried about myself, i make up catastrophic senarios in my mind and i hyperventilate every day especially in supermarkets! will this ever go awy? im so worried i dont want to stay like this for ever. im fed up with it!

06-04-06, 21:43

It was nice meeting you in the chatroom earlier today. I'm glad you see a therapist and hope you will see a nutritionist and get your body back in shape after such a drastic weight loss. I think that will make you feel much better. Anxiety can overwhelm us all but with your body chemistry being out of whack from the weight loss I can understand why this must seem like it will never go away. I do think, however, you must get your weight back up to a normal weight for you to feel better, see your GP or whomever you must see to do it. Take care and hope to talk to you soon.


May Day
06-04-06, 22:08
Hi Rania

Welcome to the site ... you'll find lots of help and advice here ... the weight loss over a short time will effect you physically ... you should eat regularly to make sure you don't get light headed ... i find i feel very confused in supermarkets ... they are so large and things keep being moved .. its more than i can handle at the moment so i do a quick dash in and get what i need ... then back out as soon as possible ... they won't make any extra money out of me lol ... you won't be like this forever ... there is a lot of information here that can help you

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

07-04-06, 07:00
Hi Rania, welcome to the forum, you will get lots of help and support here from people who understand what you are going through. I too used to suffer horendous panic attacks which seem to be under control now but still suffer with anxiety. Supermarkets used to be my worst nightmare especially in hot weather and I have often had to run for the door but it does get easier and if I am standing in a supermarket queue now and start to feel uneasy I try to do breathing exercises and I also carry Bach's Rescue Remedy in my bag just in case which seems to take the edge off the anxiety.
Hope this helps a bit
Take care
Love Lisax

07-04-06, 08:49
Hi Rania
I just so Know the feeling of supermarkets.After being a very confident person i lost it for a while.(i suffer panic attacks and anxiety) the scarey thing when they first happened was no knowing what they where.My own personal experiance is dont over face yourself.First of all if you have a smaller shop to go in just buy one or two things and leave.then build it up slowly.when you feel ready approach the supermarket this can take a period of time dont feel guilty annoyed or bad or a failure about yourself cause your not.
I also find i cannot cope with appointments,so it would be no good going in a supermarket knowing i had 15 mins to get everything and out at checkout,where i dumped a full trolly before!(and ran)at times ive sat in the car not able to get out in the supermarket.
a long time ago walking into the supermarket it was as if someone was grabbing my legs and every step i took pulling me back..
what an idiot i felt telling the doctor as i didnt know anything about panic attacks then.just thought id gone mad.(but its my mind overeacting)
then i could only go in if i had one of my kids with me.i took cash so if i had to go out i would leave the child to continue and pay and no one would know any diffrence.
Guess what now I can go in alone most of the time.i know when i will be ok.
But never go in feeling hungry.

ok did i get it right about your weight did you say 25 kilo is that 4 stone
can someone help me on that please? well if thats the case you are aware of it as you wrote about this but i dont know what you weigh now.
but be careful and make sure your not damaging your insides plenty of vitamins and proteins and water daily.
im a chocoholic so no chance of me losing weight.

the answer to your question will it ever go away.YES sometimes it only takes a month or two sometimes it takes years but you can also learn to work round it. (away of life thats inconvienient but stops you being uncomfy)
It sounds as you need to build your self confidence up and reasurance your a good person have you got a proffesional person (that you like) that can help you?

i wasnt aware until a week ago that there was this site and how many people have panick attacks and anxiety.so your lucky to find it so quickly .ive suffered for approx 10 years.

youre welcome to write back.or anyone else that reads this.


there will be light at the end of this tunnel

i am just writting this through my own experiances
take care xx

07-04-06, 09:14
Hi Rania

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-04-06, 09:22
Hi Rania,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

08-04-06, 17:01
Hi Rania

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.
