View Full Version : cant cope .. i feel its only me :(

19-03-11, 16:52
my muscles are hurtin me :( and its scarey .. not constant and unbearable pain just comes and goes .. it feels like my muscles are being squeezed hard and it hurts,, a bit like cramp and then let go and then squeezed again :( this happens in my carfs and forearms mainly or it might be everywhere but im only consentratein on the worst ones :( does anyone else get this?? iv read its anxiety and some people get it that bad that they cant move but you all know as much as i do that its hard to beleive unless someone else has had the same sympyom.. and i also get sensative skin where it hurts when i touch a part of my body and also my skins really irritated is this anxiety??? i feel like going to hospital :( x

19-03-11, 17:08
Hi Holly,

I have had a similar thing in my calfs- it feels like the muscles are really tight. I can still stretch my legs etc. but they get really sore, so I can relate to what you're saying. Also, the more I focussed on it, the worse it seemed to get. I suggest you have a nice hot bath as that will help your muscles relax and then I found that a hot water bottle and a film to distract me helped. I know how awful it is- every time it happens to me, I am convinced that it is something serious!! The doc doesn't seem to think so :)

Hope you feel better xx