View Full Version : Supermoon tonight

19-03-11, 19:24
All these horrid things happening in the world at the moment, including what is happening in Libya now!
I just looked at the moon...tonight the moon is at its closest to our planet in years (18 I think) ...it is so beautiful.

19-03-11, 19:28
It looks huge, and so bright too. Very stunning.

19-03-11, 19:58
It does look beautiful - just a shame about everything else going on in the world right now.

19-03-11, 20:02
Twitter has gone mad about the moon tonight!!lolx

19-03-11, 20:34
yes its so terrible what's going on, I'm prayng for you all and everyone else in the world.

I have been on prayer thread and left a comment there. hope you all have good week.

blue moon
19-03-11, 21:05
I could not see moon last night it was raining :mad:

19-03-11, 21:48
It's lovely, I had a lovely view driving home on a near empty motorway :)
All the old wives tales are that it causes crime, strange animal behaviour, mental illness, suicide etc etc

Was reading about it before on yahoo, scientists of course think it's nonsense but if I have a funny turn tonight at least I have something to blame it on :winks: Then again, it doesn't take much these days! :roflmao:
Just for the record though, my cat doesn't seem to be acting strange!

19-03-11, 22:34
been looking at it with awe ,, used a telescope thou didn't need one ...plus i would like to offer a prayer to all the people of japan ,, and hope things will get better ,it certainly makes you look at our life and be grateful,,we have our problems its hard to imagin how they cope ,,dear lord give them help as they need it so much

20-03-11, 14:36
I saw it last night and it's so beautiful. It was so big, and so bright too. But I wondered how people take photos of a huge moon coming up from the horizon, how they do that? I would love to see a huge moon coming up from the horizon. I wonder if it's real life size, but last night was a bit more bigger than normal. Actually, the next one will be in 2029!!

Starry xx

evil monkey
20-03-11, 15:48
when its lower in the sky, it looks bigger. :)

sorry. killed the magic, what i mean is, pixies were out yesterday and made it bigger. :)

edit oh it was actually closer. :yesyes: i still stick with the pixies tho.

i took this pic so you can feel like being there


http://i52.tinypic.com/rksgi0.jpg if it doesnt link


20-03-11, 16:41
thats an amazing pic monkey, thanks

blue moon
20-03-11, 20:28
thanks for the picture monkey,still raining here so at least saw pic:D
Petra x