View Full Version : Deeper Blues

19-03-11, 20:05
Hi All

I have felt very low. More so since last time. I am finding that when I am sleeping that dreams feel so real in terms that I am dreaming of acitivties I do each day and I have to ask my girlfriend whether or not I carried out the activities I am dreaming of. It is becoming a bit too much and I have recently questioned my own sanity.

I have a work review next week to see if I can go back and I can only see them not letting me back.

Feeling down big time.


19-03-11, 21:15

What support do you have? Any counselling? When you are sleeping your brain is doing a lot of processing on memory and activity so what you are describing could be nothing to worry too much about? I was recently signed off work for 6 months due to depression, am now back but still very much in recovery, feel free to pm me if you want to bounce any worries off me.
