View Full Version : Cant sleep

19-03-11, 22:43
I generally slept by 2.30 but last friday i wasnt able to sleep till 8.25 in the morning. That happened again this Friday and i slept at 7.15. Right now its 2.45 here where i live and ive been trying to sleep for for the past hour but havnt managed to.

19-03-11, 22:59
hi I'm suffering with sleeping and have suffered even worse in the past. when I'm tired it higherp my anxiety levels.
the best thing i do is think o well if in not sleeping might as well set my self up for night relaxtbdda Dr someth. easier said than done when your anxious i no. another thing that works for me is a film that i love and watched loads and no words to. i put it on and turn my back close eyes and listen to the film picturing what's happening in my head. its a great way of distracting your thought and falling to sleep x x

21-03-11, 11:58
GO TO BED AT REGULAR TIME – There's no easy answer to the problem of being too tired during day-time and not tired enough at bed-time. Nonetheless, most experts agree that it is most helpful for you to go to bed at a regular, planned time. If you need to sleep more, it's better for you to go to bed at your regular time and get up earlier. With time, your body should re-adjust and give you the hours you need. Be careful about driving or operating machinery when not fully rested, though. If you feel tired to the point of losing visual focus, you should definitely not be operating heavy machinery - no matter what. When not sleeping well for a period of time, ask someone else to drive you to work, if you can. Although insomnia is the most common sleep complaint, it is not a single sleep disorder. It’s more accurate to think of insomnia as a symptom of another problem. The problem causing the insomnia differs from person to person. It could be something as simple as drinking too much caffeine during the day or a more complex issue like an underlying medical condition or feeling overloaded with responsibilities.