View Full Version : dealing with noise anxiety

20-03-11, 09:14
Hi Guys

I've been dealing with noise anxiety for about 2 years now and I have also been dealing with a chronic pelvic pain condition.

I had problems with noisey nieghbours next door and downstairs and this set off my noise anxiety. Now I seem to have neighbour anxiety!

The flat downstairs has been empty for many months and late last night I saw a car parked outside my flat and suddenly thought that the previous neighbour had come back! It was silver like his car but I can't be sure of the make. I was and still am so anxious :( the car has gone now and Im not sure that it was anyone downstairs as I have not heard anything (when I've had my headphones off) I use headphones and listen to music when the anx is high.

This one stupid car has set off such anxiety that I have not slept very well.

I don't know how I am suppossed to cope with this fear as well as the pain I am in. The GP has put me on Pregabalin as its also used as a pain killer but an added bonus is it also helps with anx.

Still I am so shakey this morning and fear having to deal with the noise that gave me the nervous breakdown in the first place

I live in fear that it will all happen again, with the same nieghbours or new ones.

Im currently doing biofeedback pelvic floor treatment for my pain and I have to do this twice a day. I cant let anxiety take over as I need to concentrate on treating my pain

I really hate my life, Im crying and Im sorry for waffling. I feel crazy and broken.

21-03-11, 12:07
magine it's that time of year when many people like to shoot off fireworks, have parties with loud music, and just enjoy celebrating the start of a new year. Of course, all of these festivities come with a great deal of noise that can be very frightening to your pet. There are ways to treat noise anxiety without prescription drugs from your vet.

I remember my oldest schnauzer, which passed on 4 years ago, would begin the nervous shaking at the first crack of a firecracker. Once I realized what was happening, I immediately sought advice to deal with his noise anxiety. The following are the tips I received and worked well with controlling his emotional state.

21-03-11, 12:58

26-03-11, 18:27
Errr well i'm not a bloody dog!!! ffs!!!

26-03-11, 18:32
Hi Verity :)

I think Suzys post was directed to the person called Mark who replied to you .............so not you . :hugs:

he was advertising ........and the links have been removed .
hope you are alright xx

26-03-11, 18:36
Yeah I know the post was directed at the spammer. Its odd though that someone would spam about dog anxiety on a forum for people!

Maybe I should run and hide behind the sofa and whine!

26-03-11, 18:37
sorry Verity :blush:
got my fog brain head on ......get your post now ......you meant him :doh: xx

26-03-11, 21:42
I had a prob with a post yesterday .Link was removed and someone thought I meant them .SPAMMERS :curse:..thanks Snowgoose .x
Verity I have suffered the same in the past hun .It makes your nerves real bad .I used to play music but found relaxation helpful .Find something relaxing and try it at least twice a day .Self hypnosis ones are good .Amazon do a lot of different types and you can also download some from the internet ..Practice deep diaph/breathing 7/11 whilst you are listening .With time you will be less on edge as your nerves settle down and more relaxed generally .Being tense and stressed will only make the pain worse .After you have finished have a nice warm soak with some fragrance oils and you will feel so much better .It will also help you sleep if you do it before bed ..Try not to self predict about the empty flat hun ,I know its hard and have done it myself .Chances of getting another lotof noisy beggers is very slim . Hope your pain and anxiety improve soon .T/c luv Sue x

27-03-11, 10:18
Thanks Suzy, I am admin of a forum for my pain condition and we have had people on there trying to sell us handbags and all sorts!

Yes your right I need to practise relaxation. I have been told that it can help lower your anxiety levels throught the day if practised so I downloaded two self hypnosis ones for noise sensitivity :)

I am going to be strict and do it every day

oh and keep telling myself that I cant expect total silence!

27-03-11, 10:35
How are you feeling today verity .... have you tried any of the relaxation tips that were advised?
I don't know if you live by yourself. Myabe a friend or family member could help you out for a while until you get sorted just for some emotional support.
Hope you're feeling ok,
Julie x

27-03-11, 10:36
sorry i just realised your last post was from today ... you may not have had a chance to do anything yet!
Julie x

28-03-11, 16:35
Hi Verity - I hope you're coping ok.
I understand exactly where you're coming from on this. I currently have very noisy neighbours. It's been going on for some years now and the council have been hopeless at dealing with it until late last year when they finally managed to accumulate a lot of evidence against this person and her kids.

Sadly in these the most common response is a sort of defensive denial, a placing of responsibility onto the person hearing the noise. The person hearing the noise needs to fix their hearing, stop hearing the noise, get a life, live and let live etc. The complainant becomes demonised in the situation - sometimes not just between the complainant and noise maker, but also the gossip ring that springs up in the community. That has been one of the hardest things for me - I feel I have to run a gauntlet of dirty looks and remarks as I make my way to my door. It has made me almost suisidal at times.

The noise maker retains a sense of self-righteousness and denies that they are really the problem. It is the victim of their noise who is wrong, defective, mad, sensitive and at fault.

Verity, the reason you are alert to the fear of the downstairs neighbour returning is that you may have been traumatized by the noise. So any hint that this will start up again gets you agitated and anxious. Over the years I have suffered this I have spoken to many people who have had noise nuisance issues and they all describe it as having been traumatized.

If you cannot reason with the noise maker, deal with them through the proper channels - ie Environmental Health, the anti-social behaviour department in the council etc. Beyond that there are many relaxing things you can try do for yourself to help you to cope.

Me? I'm hoping to move eventually, but in the meanwhile I have to cope with it.

Sorry for such a long post:blush: Feel free to pm me if you need to.
Take care xx

Sorry for such a long post.