View Full Version : Convinced theres something wrong with my brain

20-03-11, 09:30
When I had my second son in 2008, the day I went into labour I woke up very groggy with sunspots on one eye (like when you've looked at the sun). I had this once before when I was 13 which lasted a full day then went.

I went downstairs and tried to tell my older son to get dressed but it was coming out gobbledygook. I went back upstairs and tried to talk to myself in the mirror just to check I was ok. But I couldn't talk properly. I had in my head what I wanted to say but it was coming out not making any sense. I started to panic and ran downstairs to tell my partner I needed to go to hospital. But I just couldn't make any sense and was also slurring.

I pointed to the car and we all got in and went to hospital. After about 10 minutes of getting fresh air through the window I was able to speak. But when my partner replied I couldn't understand what he was saying fully. It sounded like a different language.

By the time I got to hospital I was more or less back to normal. A doctor checked my eyes etc and said it didn't look like there was anything wrong with my brain? I did a sample and they told me there was protein in it, a sign of pre-eclampsia.

I have heard of mental confusion happening with pre-eclampsia but the hospital wasn't worried.

Ever since I have been terrified of this happening again and sometimes I have slurred my words or got a bit confused but not as bad as that time. It really panics me and I think there is something seriously wrong with my brain. I'm not as clever as I used to be either.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

20-03-11, 19:13
Hi Kay I had this a few years ago before my anxiety I got flashes in corner of my eye then felt really sick and shakey, I too couldn't speak properly and found it difficult to listen to others it made me ill for a few days to be honest , I thought I had a stroke or something. I can't talk properly came out something like I cang spork scroperly!!!!v The only other thing and since the anxiety started was that when I tried to read to my little girl I felt confused and the words were not coming out in the order they were in the book!!! I have got over this but I was so scared, I think it is easy to think you are not as clever as you were, when we have children all of our time and effort go into them and I think our clever cells take a rest, also anxiety does not allow us to think clearly and we spend alot of our time worrying about our symptoms. Try not to worry I'm alot better now but do still worry about it happening again!! take care Mic:weep: