View Full Version : Hi

20-03-11, 10:10
Anyone out there changed from citalipram to fluoxtine??? How did you feel?? Im at abit of a cross roads with these meds and my doctor is awful really, not sure they really know what they are doing??? Im actualy wondering if I need these anymore as i am feeling soo stressed and panicky and papitations and worrying to much about things!!!

Whats your experience, im not sure wat to do........

Citalipram seem to make me calm but i put on sooo much weight and thats why i wanted to come off of them!! I was on 40mg. Doc put me on 20mg straight away of prozac but i was taking 40mg and I wasnt confident in dropping the dose now im wondering if i have made a huge mistake


20-03-11, 10:15
Hi vsf

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-03-11, 15:22
Hi vsf,

Nice to meet you and welcome to nmp. I cant advise you on the change on your meds, but as someone who has just about tried every antidepressant in the BNF I can give you a couple of tips.

You will find that with most antidepressants that most people do have a tendency to put on weight. It seems to be something that you just have to weigh up with the help they give you against how you feel about putting on weight. Personally, I am off antidepressants now, as my problems are more anxiety related, though I do get depressed at times, but I find that I can cope with it. However the meds I am on still are ones that put weight on but again, I find that I would rather be a bit over weight than feel the way I was, although I am on the trying to find the correct dosage route at the moment, so time will tell.

You will find that citalopram seems to be very much the antidepressant that is prescribed a lot at the moment, and there are many ppl on here who are on it, so you may find that on the boards there are going to be a few posts that will help you.

As for whether you have made a huge mistake as you say, well, u havent said how long you have been on the Prozac so maybe if it isnt a long time, you may start feeling better in time. Prozac seems to be one of the medications that suits some but not others, I have a friend who swore by it, but have heard others say that they couldnt get on with it, so its like all this sort of medication, very much the way an individual feels about it, what suits one person, wont necessarily suit another, but I am sure you will find something suitable in time, and perhaps you may be able to consider some sort of therapy such as CBT (Cognative Behavioural Therapy), which is again something that many find very helpful in teaching you to deal with your problems and finding out what may have caused them. But its up to the individual again. I am sure that you will find your way of dealing with your problems in time and there are many posts on here you will find helpful and ppl who are happy to talk things over with you.

Take care and look forward to speaking to you sometime.

Suzi xxx

21-03-11, 09:37

Thanks for replying, ive been on meds abouta year now but moved back onto prozac 3 weeks ago!! Im not sure if CBT will help really as im not depressed its stress and it cant take the stress of day to day life away can it haha!!

I just have this over whelming feeling that I need to calm down, these prozac seem to be making me more stressed and angry instead of calm and collected which is what I thought they did????? Hence why im wondering if I actually need to be on them anymore???

Thank you for your advice though, its horrible as you feel so alone in these situations its good to talk to people who experience the same
