View Full Version : Anyone taken metronidazole before?

20-03-11, 12:06
If so, which dosage and what side effects, if any, did you experience?

I saw the out-of-hours dentist earlier and she precribed these to me :(

I am terrified of taking new pills.

20-03-11, 13:53
I am currently taking metronidazole 200mg with ammoxicillin 500mg. Had all my wisdom teeth taken out last week and ended up with an infection. First day or so was fine but now getting a few side effects. Slightly dizzy, headache and IBS style stomach cramps. But not bad enough to come off them. I have heard they are quite strong so not really suprised. One thing though don't drink any alcohol with them or for 3 days after you finish your course. Also I found that if i take them halfway through a meal it seems better.

Hope you feel better soon. Much better you take them than leave an infection.

20-03-11, 15:02
Horrid drugs Piers - make me feel crap every time I take them.

Sorry I can't be positive but even my GP said that she hates prescribing them cos some people (like me) do react badly to them.

As mwone said do NOT touch alcohol for a few days either side of taking them as it will make you very ill! They give these to alcoholics to stop them drinking cos it makes them so sick if they do.

20-03-11, 15:25
Thanks for the replies, luckily I dont touch alcohol anyway (none for 5 years now) so that shouldnt be an issue but I am still finding it hard to take them, I want to force myself but cant :(

I was only given 9 pills lol, 3x400mg for 3 days. I took erythramycin before and had 0 side effects, but I know these are different.

20-03-11, 15:50
Horrid drugs Piers - make me feel crap every time I take them.

What side effects did you have?

20-03-11, 17:41
anyone else have any ideas? I want to take these but dont know how i can :(

20-03-11, 18:17
I felt really dizzy and grotty and a bit sick and when I was on them in hospital my mum said I changed instantly I had them (via a drip) and was really miserable, irritable, grumpy and down.

I can tolerate some antibiotics but not these - they were evil.

I am not helping much am I lol.

20-03-11, 18:22
I felt really dizzy and grotty and a bit sick and when I was on them in hospital my mum said I changed instantly I had them (via a drip) and was really miserable, irritable, grumpy and down.

I can tolerate some antibiotics but not these - they were evil.

I am not helping much am I lol.

Thank you for the honesty, I appreciate it. Sitting here crying now no idea what to do.

20-03-11, 18:37
Hi uk23,

I have taken these antibiotics and felt a bit groggy on them in terms of a bit sick, but found that it helped when I took them with food. They are a strong antibiotic but it was better than the pain I was in with the infection following a tooth extraction.


20-03-11, 18:37
Part of me is thinking not to take them, I am scared either way, if I dont take them the infection could spread which means more antibiotics but if I do take them I could have the side effects and horrible allergic reaction (I seem to with quite a lot of antibiotics, especially all in the penicillin family).

20-03-11, 18:40
If u are worried about having an allergic reaction to them then maybe u should wait and speak too ur doctor or a pharmacist tomorrow and they can advise u what to do?

21-03-11, 13:00
Made another appointment with a dentist today, my regular one as the pain seems to have 70% gone overnight, so I think best to check with them and see what they think. If they insist I need the pills I will have to take them.

Anyone else think thats the right way to go forward with this?

21-03-11, 17:57
I have taken metronidazole 3 times for an extremely painful gum infection. They are very effective and will kill off nasty mouth bugs within days but they do tend to upset people's stomachs as they are pretty strong. I was ok the last time I took them but the time before that I threw up a couple of times on them (probably didnt help that I hadnt been able to eat for the past 7 days so my stomach was more sensitive than usual). They certainly are good at clearing up mouth/gum infections though so if the Dentist has recommended you take them I would definitely take their advice. At the end of the day you're system needs some help in fighting off this infection so the best option is to take something to help it do that.

Have you had allergic reactions to antibiotics before? If so have you let your dentist know?

Oh and ABSOLUTELY NO alcohol when you're on Metronidazole.

Hope you feel much better soon,
Moonlight Xxxx

21-03-11, 19:32
If you have a history of allergic reactions then I agree with the poster who said to check with your GP or dentist.

I had an allergic reaction to these and went to A&E as I was so worried - luckily I was absolutely fine! It was just unpleasant at the time! I get given amoxycillin + something else now instead of metronidazole if I have dental pain, as I did 2 weeks ago. Ask your dentist if you can have this instead?

21-03-11, 20:34
I went back earlier, spoke to him and he took a look at my mouth. He said that it was fine and didnt really need antibiotics, he did issue some erythramycin just in case I do need them at some point but he said for the time being just carry on using mouth wash and if it doesnt hurt enough to even taken painkillers then not to worry.

little kyle
21-03-11, 21:41
I had them for trench mouth and and i'm sceard of any pill/antibiotic/paracetamol

but i had the metronidazole after taking it i was fine but i panic'd only because im sceard of tablets and side effects but i had no side-effects what so every and i was fine

24-03-11, 19:34
Yay, another trench mouth sufferer! I have only met a small number of people who've had it...apparently it's very rare. I think it might be more prevalent in people with anxiety. Did the Metro sort it out ok?

M xxx

little kyle
25-03-11, 03:46
yes it sorted the trench mouth.....