View Full Version : Lymphoma scare and alcohol

20-03-11, 14:29
Hi. I've been worried for a while about this, but I just committed the worse thing possible and googled a symptom. I know it was dtupid!

I've been less able to cope with alcohol recently. I went out for the night on Thursday and totally blacked out, ending up waking up at half 3 the next day. It was dreadful and I know I drank too much but I've never felt so unable to cope with alcohol, it just seems I'm unable to take it anymore!
I've also been getting dizzy when I eat and worrying about that too.

I googled sore neck and alcohol and the top links were about Lymphoma and how it makes you unable to cope with alcohol and can give you a sore neck so now I'm stupidly worrried. It all seems to link together well. I've been more anxious recently and feeling tired so now I'm concerned i have leaukemia or cancer of some sort.

I really shouldn't go out and drink at all but thought I would be ok. My rational side also responsible me I can't be that ill if i can cope with running 7k at the gym which I managed at the start of the week.

Would just appreciate someone telling me I'm probably ok and maybe I can stop worrying quite so much.

20-03-11, 15:33
have you got any lymp lumps up or not

20-03-11, 15:44
No. There's nothing sticking up and its not sore to touch. It's very odd.

Think teetotal is best from now on! Me and alcohol don't seem to do my nervous system any favours :-(

20-03-11, 16:13
Mark mate , you got pissed and you have a sore neck . Don,t read to much into it !:yesyes:
The amount of times i,ve had a stiff/sore neck after sleeping funny after a number of beers i wouldn,t want to admit to !

20-03-11, 20:29
Mark mate , you got pissed and you have a sore neck . Don,t read to much into it !:yesyes:
The amount of times i,ve had a stiff/sore neck after sleeping funny after a number of beers i wouldn,t want to admit to !

Probably the moist poignant response I've ever had :)
Very true - but you know what it's like. The mind of a health anxietist (is that a term?! - it should be) works way too many hours putting across other horrid ideas!

Seriously though, thank you :hugs: