View Full Version : Spaced out / forgetfulness

20-03-11, 14:56
Does any get confused, forgetful, foggy headiness not clear thought unable to concentrate ie when reading it dosent sink in, when I'm texting I type the wrong words etc. Been really worried about liver problems and see this is a symptom but was wondering if you can get it with anxiety too. Just don't feel with it!

20-03-11, 16:11
Hi, Oh yes, I know what you mean. The more I'm concerned about not being able to concentrate, the worse it appears to be. It's def anxiety with me. It's a matter of trying to relax and not 'focus' on being 'unable to focus'.......take care x

20-03-11, 16:13

20-03-11, 18:33
Yeah! Only came on since I had depersonalisation though.

Rachel W
22-03-11, 01:36
I was just going to start a new thread but this is what I have been going through too and am very worried about it. I was in a car accident in 2004 and afterward I started feeling light-headed and also I had occasional memory issues (forgot to bring the leopards in one night - I was a zookeeper) and it wasn't like me. After going for tests I was found to have vestibular damage and actually have distortion in one eye (and some in the other which also may have made me feel off-centered - however this is another issue that I worry about so I will leave it there).

Anyway, the dizziness got a lot less and my memory seemed fine after a while and it was explained that memory issues can come with vertigo as the brain has to concentrate harder on balance.

So, for a few years I really haven't had symptoms. Anyway I left my job to go to college, but I have dealt with serious health anxiety, college has been stressful etc. For a while late last year I felt that I couldn't think straight and would use the wrong word in a sentence. This really panicked me and the more I worried about it the worse it seemed to get. Anyway, once I stopped worrying it seemed to go away, but the last few weeks I have felt a little dizzy again, I feel really separated, having a hard time concentrating and also I am noticing everytime I can't think of the right word quickly, or my thoughts seem broken and it is like I have to process thoughts more to follow things. I am terrified of something wrong like dementia or something.

I am 40. I am not any more stressed than I have been at other times in the past two years. Do you think it could be because I am dwelling on the worry and making it worse? Could it be stress? As it went away last time does this mean I am probably fine.

I haven't worked in two years and was thinking of volunteering, but my mind feels foggy and I am terrified that I may be unable to do the job without thinking like I used to (it was second nature), or is it normal for the routine to come back to me? When I go through it in my head I remember the steps but they aren't as clear as they were when I did them almost everyday; I have to think about if I fed this animal forst or cleaned etc.

Please any advice would be great. Do you think these worries are likely the majority of the cause. I couldn't think of the word resources before and I keep getting the feeling that there is a better word to use in a conversation but just can't put my finger on it. :(

22-03-11, 09:17
Yeah, that is exactly what I am experiencing. It`s similar to being jetlagged. I`m sure mine is my liver as im convinced I have liver failure.

22-03-11, 09:23
Hi I can relate to what you are saying, I think its natures way of bringing you slowly back into yourself, maybe part time work, I thinkg the confusion issues are due to the fact our brain has been trying so hard to rest and has been so full of other stuff it takes time to retrain our brains if that makes any sense?? As you say you are under no more stress but when we have anxiety, it in itself is very stressfull and we get into the fear more stress cycle, like you say when you stop thinkig about it it seems less.

I think it is slight derealisation we have which is a safety switch and is more annoying than anything. When you first start a job you will think about everything as your mind s in can I do it mode but within weeks you will prob revert back to doing things without thinking, I was like this going back to the stables worrying I wouldn't shut a gate or pass out while leading a pony out and it would escape so we have to leave the what ifs but and I can't do it at home and just get on with it.

Really feel for you on this one and hope you get back into the swing of things.:hugs: good luck trust in yourself and most of all be happy.xx

22-03-11, 14:46
Thanks Mic. I have been okay today and my head feels alot clearer.