View Full Version : Neurologist update

20-03-11, 15:41
Hi guys,

Just thought I'd keep you posted on my progress (or lack of!). Saw the neurologist last week about my constant light headed feeling that i've had for over 5 weeks now. He did some little tests and thinks it's anxiety (which i'm fed up of hearing). I'm having an mri scan next week just to rule anything serious out, I think he wants me to have peace of mind. There is a slight blood pressure change when I stand up to sitting down..not really sure what that prooves..but hey ho..

Bit fed up today..last weekend the lightheaded feeling more or less went away (well was a lot better), but the past 3 days it has returned in full force. I just hope one day it goes for good and that I don't have to put up with this forever..I don't get why it went and came back :weep:

I wasn't really anxious last week so why did it come back? Confidence is lacking at the mo...

20-03-11, 22:49
I think I'd prefer anxiety to a serious neurological illness any day - so be positive. I know it's frustrating to hear "it's anxiety" all the time but you'll be surprised how many illnesses anxiety can mimic, creating pseudo-illnesses and disorders.

Postural hypotension (low BP when you stand up too quickly) is harmless and is not indicative of any organic disease.

21-03-11, 12:03
I always have organizer aches. So I went to an allergist who said I wasn't allergic to any outdoor allergens. (I am allergic to cinnamon though). She recommended me to a ENT(ear, antenna & throat specialist). He did a endoscopy and found my Septum was twisted, but didn't think that be the cause obviously because he referred me to a Neurologist. How can a Neurologist relate why I have a headache all the time?

21-03-11, 18:57
I think I'd prefer anxiety to a serious neurological illness any day - so be positive. I know it's frustrating to hear "it's anxiety" all the time but you'll be surprised how many illnesses anxiety can mimic, creating pseudo-illnesses and disorders.

Postural hypotension (low BP when you stand up too quickly) is harmless and is not indicative of any organic disease.

Interesting, I didn't know the exact term for it..thanks for that. I won't look it up though :D Hopefully it will go eventually..got to keep positive like you say.

Thanks mate

21-03-11, 19:49
Interesting, I didn't know the exact term for it..thanks for that. I won't look it up though :D Hopefully it will go eventually..got to keep positive like you say.

Thanks mate

That's the spirit Carlos. I've been through all this so I understand how you feel.

Some people are apparently prone to postural hypotension and it's quite common in anxiety sufferers. Some meds can also cause/trigger it. It's a bugger but completely benign.