View Full Version : please help me i'm in so much pain

20-03-11, 16:49
For the past five years I have had excruiciating stomach cramps that occur for a couple of days every few months. It used to happen more frequently then it does nowadays. I've noticed lack of sleep and stress are major triggers. I am currently getting them and have done since yesterday and the pain is out of this world. I am taking anti-spasm meds but they aren't doing a thing. I can't move or function and I feel like I want to rip my intestines/stomach out of my body. My parents are being completely unsympathetic and telling me to just put up with it because it's a Sunday no one is going to help me and there is nothing anyone can do. I feel liek I need to go to hospital however they are refusing to let me saying it's a total waste of time and they will say there's nothing there after a 4 hour wait. They keep googling and saying I am drinking too much alcohol and by being stressed. I just want some powerful drugs to stop the spasms overthe counter stuff isn't working. I work 9-5 everyday and I can't take time off work I'm currently in training and it's mandatory. I keep crying I just can't go on.

20-03-11, 17:11
Hi, I'm so sorry, it sounds awful and I can't believe your parents are being so unhelpful!!! Do you have an out of hours doctor service? If you ring the number for your local gp they should give you the number for the out of hours surgery and you could ring them. Usually they should see you this evening if you tell them your symptoms and it's nowhere near as long a wait as in casualty. I'm not sure if this will help but might be worth a try?

20-03-11, 17:40
I would start by calling NHS Direct, have a chat there and explain you have these cramps a couple of days a month.

Do you drink often? I know this is a common trigger for IBS, and as you are taking anti-spasmodics you have that?

20-03-11, 21:08
Are the cramps and pain around the time of your period? Could be endometriosis?