View Full Version : Sickness phobia

20-03-11, 18:42
Hi all
Fairly new to NMP but am struggling a bit today. I have OCD tendencys which are mostly under control, well enough so that I can deal with every day life right now. Throughout my life I have struggled with constant hand washing brought on by my fear of germs but now I am so much better than I was in my teens. I still have to deal with a lot of anxiety and sometimes every day is a struggle. Yesterday my daughter was ill with a sickness bug and I have a severe phobia of vomiting, I did manage to look after her and clean her up and everything else but now she is feeling better I am worrying myself stupid that I will get it. Every time I get a strange feeling in my stomach or throat I start panicing and I am dreading going to bed tonight in case I am ill in the night. How can I go to work tomorrow feeling like this, its long commute in the car and then what if am ill at work and have to try and drive home. I know all this sounds completely ridiculous but that is how severe my phobia is. I just wish that I didnt suffer in this way. I know being anxious about it, is just making my worse, but I am trapped in the usual vicious circle. :scared15:

21-03-11, 09:59
Emetophobia seems to be pretty comon.

I'm going to add a couple of links to other members posts for you.



I hope this helps. :flowers:


13-04-11, 17:04
Hi, i'm new here but have just read those links with interest as sickness is something that greatly interferes with my life too, only I'm afraid of other people being sick rather than myself. I hate travelling just incase someone is motion sick, and feel awful when I cant even be in the same house as any friend or relative who is feeling ill. Is there a name for this too?
Marie x

05-05-11, 20:35
Hi :) I suffer from the same thing, especially the motion sickness fear!! I've spent countless journeys worried crazy because my sister feels sick, to the point of tears, hysteria, etc. I feel horrible, because when my sister is sick, I can berely sum up even an ounce of sympathy :unsure: but I'm pretty sure it's still emetophobia, no other name as far as I know :)