View Full Version : Not really health anxiety but thought someone might help!

20-03-11, 20:39
Hey everyone

I started with a coldsore in the middle of my top lip its made my lip swell I've been using zovirax cream but its now spread up my lip and into the crack of my nose an it is swollen and sore! Any ideas how to ease it?


Claire xxxx

20-03-11, 21:30
Hi now I havent tried garlic on a coldsore before but I have been told its really effective, I have used garlic slices on major tooth pain and it was amazing to be fair, Iv provided this link http://www.best-herpes-treatments.com/home-remedies-for-cold-sores.html its got a few different remedies for coldsores, unfortunatly some people still call cold-sores herpes so i apologise for the link title.

Good luck

20-03-11, 21:42
Once it starts, it's really hard to speed up the healing. Zovirax is the best you can do. Stay away from anything with l-arginine (Google these foods), chocolate, nuts and more. You can try taking Lysine pills, it's a supplement. The next time you feel a cold sore coming on, if you have the tingling, use ice. It sometimes will arrest it and stop it from blooming. Be careful of your eyes, when you turn on the pillow, if your mouth touches it, it can infect your eyes which can be serious. For the duration of the cold sore, you might want to wear an eye mask to sleep. Good luck!