View Full Version : Hello and please help

20-03-11, 22:13

I am fairly new here and haven't posted much but am really hopeful that someone can offer me some tips on how to overcome terrible health anxiety.

I don't really know where to start, my latest bout of health anxiety has literally got so much that I am feeling so depressed and sometimes wishing I wasn't here. I have a lovely husband and 2 beautiful kids, I'm so happy in my home life yet this crippling anxiety swamps me and I seem unable to think of anything else. It has worsened since my children came along as I guess I have a huge and common fear of not being here for them but I feel like if this carries on I will literally worry myself into having something serious.

At the moment I am undergoing tests as 3 weeks ago I had chest pains for a few days which gradually stopped me even getting up from the sofa. My hubby called NHS direct and I ended up being taken to hospital by ambulance after they sent paramedics to check me over. They discovered I am bradycardic (very low heart rate) as my HR was only 32bpm, going up to 50bpm after they gave me some GTN spray (for angina). My dad had a heart attack at a young age so they are being very careful with me but have also said that because I am fit it could be nothing. My HR has always been around 55bpm so why it dropped to 32bpm and gave me chest pains has really scared me. I am only 31. I see a cardiologist 2 weeks tomorrow for further testing but they ruled out heart attack and blood clot whilst I was in the hospital being checked originally. I really hope it's nothing serious, I haven't had the pains since touch wood.

I am seeing a chinese acupuncturist for my anxiety as she really helped me during my last major episode a while ago. She has been treating me for a few weeks now and I was feeling a little better until yesterday when she advised me to see a doctor for more blood tests as my liver isn't responding very well to treatment, which could indicate hepatitis. Now I am in an absolute state. I know she could well be wrong but hearing this has tipped me over the edge. She always said she'd tell me to see a doctor if she could see anything wrong and in 3 years this is the first time she's told me to see the doctor. I 'm sure they tested me for hepatitis when I was pregnant with my last baby 15 months ago? Now I have been googling this along with the heart symptoms and I have got myself hysterical.

My doctor was horrible to me last time I went in, luckily my husband came in with me and stood up for me. The doc basically said I had to accept my slow heart rate and hair falling out and stomach pains and just get on with it, they've done quite a lot of blood tests on me already so I really don't want to ask for more for my liver, would I have symptoms if something was wrong there? My hubby and I know I'm not my normal self and haven't been since I had my 2nd baby though. I know in my rational mind that I'd have to be pretty darn unlucky to have liver failure/ C word and heart disease, but my anxiety is taking over and convincing me that all of these are possible. I am also getting terrible stomach pains, indigestion, headaches. So my fears are telling me I have a potential brain tumour and stomach cancer. Why does it always have to be something terminal.

I am so so sorry to ramble on and on but can anyone offer some advice on who to speak to or what to take to calm this? Could these symptoms all be anxiety related? I don't want to ask for more blood tests as my doctor thinks I have lost the plot and I really don't want to go back in there before I have seen the cardiologist, but maybe anti-depressants would help me. I really am feeling desperate.

Sorry again for the really long, rambly post.

G xxx

20-03-11, 22:26
i think you should go back to your doctors again with your husband and this time write down all your symptoms and ask him to discuss things with you don't ask for tests but explain it all. if he starts being funny again ask to see another doctor about his behavoiur towards you. and point out you know you have anxiety but are struggling with all your symptoms and tests that are being done. explain what has happened with your acupunture etc.

i think that your headaches could be a result of stress and worry. x stomach pains can be common with anxiety and your hair falling out I'm not sure but i think stress can cause it. and you sound like you are under a hell lot of it x x
massive hugs to you sweetie keep positive. you obviously have a loving support husband x x

20-03-11, 23:07
Thank you so much for your kind reply, I think you're right about writing things down and going in to the doc again. xx