View Full Version : Mole with black areas

20-03-11, 23:47
Went to the docs about 6 months ago as have about 30 or so moles, at least 5 of which are fairly large and raised. My doc glanced at thm and said nothing to worry about. One of my moles which I've had since was a kid has recently started to get little black areas growing on it and then flaking off. This seems sinister to me, do you think should get this checked out?

Im 27, my doc is new since last year (my old one retired). Before saw this new doc last year hadnt been to docs since was 14 (ver phobic so wouldnt go unless was incredibly concerned), and went maybe 5 times last year about various things (one being the moles) and my doc thinks 5 times is excessive and has tried to label me a hypercondriac, even though some of the stuff was when I could hardly speak and my neck was visibly swoolen so was blantantly ill, but she just kept repeating why have you come to a doctors about a sore throat and swollen neck!!! and the others times have all been with equally very noticeable symptoms wanted to get to bottom of. I'm def not a hypercondriac! Anxious about my health yes, but hardly every actually go to docs unless really convinced might need checking out. Know alot of friends whio arent in anyway anxious boutv their health who have been alot more in one year! Just want to get opinions as to whether I should go back with the black bits that flake off my moles as am scared all the time to back to docs incase she says im a hypercondriac!

21-03-11, 00:15
No way should your doctor be treating you like that. She wants to meet me, I'm up every wthree weeks and on the phone usually once a week at my gp's request! Is there a chancecyou can see someone else? X

22-03-11, 13:43
Very much agreed she probably shouldnt treat me like that, but I think because she can visibly see how terrified I am of being in the doctors surgery (I shake and talk very fast, def a bad case of white coat syndrome) that she could easily probs stick an anxious label on me as being a hypercondriac as I come across as soo nervous when in any type of medical setting, despite fact I dont think I visit docs an excessive amount. And if get labelled a hypercondriac Im worried that then wouldnt be taken seriously whenever i visit the docs. I had blood taken last year and was shaking going in for nurse to do it, and when I said be gentle have never had blood taken before, she said she would take particular care as she said it had been added to my notes that I was very anxious and had a possible disorder! She doesnt seem to get it can be normal for someone to have a phobia and doesnt seem to believe I'm not a basket case in my general life outside of docs surgery.

They have a policy that you cant see another doc at my surgery unless your doc is on holiday or not there for some other reason. I know you should be able to request another doc but it is impossible to get past the rottweiler doctors receptionists who just quote the policy and put down the phone if you try and reason or argue.

Would be interested if anyone has an opinion as to whether going to docs because a mole keeps getting small black areas on it that flake off would be seen as legititmate? Im worried it could be skin cancer but I have been about my moles before (though the black flaky bits werent there then) and she looked at me like I was insane!

22-03-11, 16:10
Hi Louise
I would ask at the surgery, to see another gp, because you don't like the attitude of the new one. You should be able to see whichever doctor you choose to! and if not, then could you find another practice?
The doctor that you saw should not dismiss how you feel, and if you feel you need to go and see her a hundred times, then that is her job to see you and it is what she gets paid for! :mad: and she should not be making you feel bad for going!!!
About 5 years ago I had a mole that started getting much darker shades on it. I thought it was going to be skin cancer. I had it checked by my gp, and it was fine, however I asked for it to be removed. I think I had it biopsied too - can't remember now.
Obviously the only person who can tell you what is happening with your mole, is a doctor.
Don't ignore your mole, because of your insensitive doctor, and get it checked, with a different one at the practice, if you can. She should be understanding of your concerns!
I am sure it will be fine but always get any moles that start changing in any way, including colour, checked out.

22-03-11, 18:11

As others have suggested you should see a different GP. However if you are really worried I would advise you to locate a local dermatology clinic and have the moles looked at there. Obviously that would cost you but you would get seen immediately and have your mind put at rest quickly.

23-03-11, 18:30
Hi Louise, Best advise from PoppyC. Last year my daughter asked her gp about the moles on her back and was told they were ok. But was told by someone else to see another gp. one of the moles was particularly dark,large and sticking out.
so my daughter went to another gp in the practise and asked for a second opinion.
She had the mole removed and it turned out to be harmless But the thing is it could have been cancerous.So she had peace of mind,because she had it dealt with and it is unnessasary worry
take care

05-04-11, 18:09
Was reading the paper a few mins ago and there was a big aticle about a teenager who never sunbathed being diagnosed with skin cancer and dying from it within 4 months!! And all she had was a raised up mole! I have a number of raised up moles, two of which have recently got black dots on them that flake off and theres a mole on my back thats pretty big. At least two docs have seen these moles over the years but I would really like to see a dermatologist to get another opinion as Im terrified I have skin cancer!

Would a dermatologist be able to tell from looking or is there a test they do on moles? Worried that my doc will think im being ridiculous since its about 4 or 5 moles im worried about not just one! Nellie thats sounds very scary, that a mole judged to look harmless was actually cancer :-s it seems theres no way to rule out cancer without getting each of the moles removed. Would this be an operation id need to be put to sleep for?

05-04-11, 19:07
Have a look at the ABCDE of moles:


05-04-11, 19:08
Was reading the paper a few mins ago and there was a big aticle about a teenager who never sunbathed being diagnosed with skin cancer and dying from it within 4 months!!

You don't have to sunbathe per se to get skin cancer. If you were walking around outside with a short sleeve top on and no sunscreen then it amounts to the same risk as sunbathing.

06-04-11, 10:34
I don't think it's unreasonable for you want to get this mole checked out. We are bombarded with messages that we should visit the doctor about moles, especially ones that change or have different colours in them.

It's very, very unlikely that your moles will be anything to worry about, but if you are worried, get them checked. It might be worth seeing a dermatologist if you can. I don't know the details of how they check you out, but you can rest assured that they are experts in the field, and far more specialised than GPs, so they will do what they need to.

On the subject of your GP, I think you should change surgeries altogether, if there's another one you can get to. The GP shouldn't treat patients like that, regardless of whether they are anxious or not. My practice is really good, and my GP in particular is brilliant. I used to be at a practice in a different area where they were all really rude, and completely treated you like you were wasting their time. I didn't realise everywhere wasn't like that, so I stayed. But when I moved and changed, I wish I'd changed GPs much sooner.

All the best x

14-04-11, 23:19
I feel like my doc is really going to shout at me though as I have a few things wrong with a few moles:

one has had black areas and is flaky and has recently become raised
another was a medium brown but now has black areas and is raised (it always was raised)
one is getting much smaller and fading altogether!!!!! is this a sign of a melanoma??
another has frayed and weird outlines so fits the bill for being an atypical mole (one more likely to be cancer)
I have one on my shoulder that only recently popped up and itches
and another on my back that is HUGE well over the size of a pencil end
in addition I am someone with alot of moles (Im 27 and have around 35) which I know increases the risk

I just know if I mention all these things about my moles she'l think Im being a hypercondriac and wont believe I didnt sit down and analyse and dream up something wrong about each and every mole! I didnt, I've gradually noticed these things over a number of months, and after reading sites that tell you the ABCD of abnormal moles, more than one of my moles genuinely fits the bill.....

Are the things I;ve mentioned about my moles generally signs of something wrong.... e.g. becoming raised, growing, getting smaller (??) etc

If she just looks at me patronisingly and tries to say Im a hypercondriac can I demand to see a dermatologist?? I recently rang a charity called Skinship UK, and they said I can demand to see a dermatologist... and if I can manage to get to see one, would he take me less seriously if I ask him to look at mayb 5 or 6 moles as oppose to 1

15-04-11, 22:15
Hi Louise

I really hate doctors to and i have a noticed a mole on my back that has not been there before or been as bad as it is. I asked friends and even friends who are nurses and a friend who is a doctor who said i should get it checked out. I hate doctors so the thought of going scared me anyway 2 months later i get round to going today to be told i need to see a specialist cos they are not sure and need a biopsy on it in two weeks time im more scared of seeing the doc and going to the hosp than whats wrong stupid i know and i need to get it checked but ill decide what to do when i get the apointment through. What im trying to say is get another opinion if your worried its not about the doctors it about you and how you feel you have every right to ask to see someone else or change your doctors surgery tc

19-04-11, 02:11
Oh Louise, I really sympathise with you over this silly doctor. I've had a dr who used to get really snickerty about what were, in her eyes, trivial stress problems. She made me look and feel stupid - I was completely put off. Don't let your doctor be an added source of stress to you - you can ask to get a new one - but be reassured that when she's being patronising you're probably one of the healthiest people she's seen that day.

19-04-11, 15:46
Well I went to docs two days ago, and said I had come about some of my moles. I explained what I thought was wrong with some of them i.e. change in colour, size etc. She listened and was silent for a bit and then said you've come to see me just about moles? So I kept my cool and said yes, and explained that with all the NHS campaigns and programmes surrounding this issue that I would like them checking. She disagreed with everything in these campaigns saying its only moles that look ulcerated or are bleeding or have got alot bigger are anything of concern, but I know this isnt the case and just repeated that every other source of information tells you to see a dermatologist if there are any changes at all! Ive personall read lots of stories recently of fairly innocent looking moles actually being cancer! Infact when I spoke to a dermatologist working for a skin care charity he said he recommends that people should have a full body mole map made if theyre even slightly concerned and that my docs attitude is why skin cancer gets missed so often in this country and why the NHS are planning another big push toeducate the UK about skin cancer.

After explaining all this to my doc she said so you think you have Cancer then? And I replied that I ahd never said that, I was simply taking the advice of the NHS campaigns and checking out my moles as I felt there had been changes albeit not as dramatic as ulceration and bleeding. She then said so what is it you want a referral and I said yes. She then gave me a referral to a dermatologist straight away, and I see the dermatologist next Thursday as its a two week cancer referral I was given. I think she did it to get me out her office, but am glad I pushed it, even though she probs thinks Im even more crazy now lol.

19-04-11, 16:53
I have a mole on my shoulder and only yesterday noticed that part of it is now raised, dark and irregular. So I'm going to go see a dermatologist for it. Argh. This, on top of everything else.

27-04-11, 23:12
Well have dermatologist appointment tomorrow! Terrified what they'l find! Am due to go to rome in a week and a half and also depressed thinkig about having to cancel this if I get a cancer diagnosis :-( If they do remove one or more of my moles how lomg would results take to come back? Do they even do it there and then? I have no idea what to expect, whether he will just look at my moles or do things? So so so scared! Sitting here fretting its already too late, I think I've had most of my moles for years, particularly the one that is elevated with black bits, worried its been silently growing for years and the cancer has spread!

28-04-11, 09:43
Louise, you definitely need a new GP, she sounds awful. Remember, as patients we are the 'customer'. We wouldn't put up with being spoken to like that in a shop, and we don't need to at the doctor's either.

Hope everything goes well with the dermatologist today. I'm pretty sure you don't have anything to worry about. Hopefully you'll be reassured and you'll be able to relax and enjoy your holiday. Rome! You lucky thing, I love it there xx