View Full Version : Brief introduction

21-03-11, 01:31
Hi I am a 27 year old male from London and am in recovery from alcholism primarily but have addiction issues around drugs, food, sex, love etc.
The twelve step programmes have showed me that most of my 'issues' are based around fear.
I have some solid clean time behind me but still struggle with engaging with the world on anything other than a superficial level this fear prevents me from living the life that is out there for me.
I am a fundamentally good person who is hiding behind whatever mask I choose to wear.
It is a shame :/
Hopefully this is a place where ill find some identification with others:)

21-03-11, 01:32
Hi jchibs

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-03-11, 01:43
Thanks I hope so!

21-03-11, 02:56
Howdy,mate and welcome to the site,I have found it to be great,and hoping youdo to.