View Full Version : blood tests today. need strength

21-03-11, 08:27
hi all.

i have blood tests today and i am really panicing. i went to the doctor last week because i was so was depressed and low and panicy about health anxiety. my doctor said we could do all total blood work if i wanted. i was panicing about feeling tired, weight loss, no appitite, always on edge. please help me to get through this.

21-03-11, 09:24
Hi hun just try and relax ( much easier said than done I know ) I'm sure u will b fine and ur symptoms are just anxiety related, I've just started on meds just over 2 weeks ago cause my anxiety was out of control ! I'm praying they start working soon cause I'm at the end of my teather now I've totally convinced myself I have a serious illness so I know how u feel hun
, I just keep trying 2 reassure myself it's the meds making me feel like I am and I'll feel better soon fingers crossed ! Anyway good luck 4 2day hunni u will b fine stay strong and deep breaths ! :)))) xx

21-03-11, 09:36
Hi,I know how you feel,i need to see my gp but im too scaredto go and face tests,my last full blood count was in Nov but im not right..back and leg ache,im terrified to go but i have too..lets us know how you get on and your not alone in your fear.xx