View Full Version : Hello Everyone.

21-03-11, 14:52
Hello there. I've often come on to No More Panic to read the articles about anxiety and panic, and I thought it was a good time to join.

I'm a 37 year old man, living in Newcastle, with my partner, Jeff. I was diagnosed in 1998 with panic disorder, and generalised anxiety disorder. Over time this diagnosis has become a bit more confused as health anxiety and agoraphobia have also crept in. I take a variety of medications to try and counter some of the effects of my anxiety problems; mirtazapine, busipirone, propanalol, seroquel, and, when needed, diazepam. I would say though that I doubt the efficacy of these drugs, simply because my anxiety is present every day, veering between low-level discomfort and 9/10, 10/10 panic attacks.

The impact of these anxiety problems have been massive for me. I haven't worked for years, my social life has vanished completely, I haven't left the house for several months, and when I do, it is to the doctor's, sedated and in a taxi. I'm lucky in that I have a very supportive partner, and a relatively supportive family, but all the same I realise how hard it is for my partner, who often curtails his life for my benefit. Also, the daily, weekly grind of living in a state of fear has, by degrees, worn my resolve, confidence and sense of purpose away.

I have had three separate periods of cognitive behavioural therapy over the last ten years, which have had a small but positive effect. However, the effects from these therapy sessions have been short-lived. Because of the concomitant agoraphobia I haven't been able to exercise properly, and also the effects of exercise (raised heart-beat, sweating etc) leave me terrified and reluctant to continue. I have been diagnosed as hypertensive, for which I take candesarten. I also have Factor V Leiden, and I take blood thinning medication for this, which serves a dual purpose as I have a Patent Foramen Ovale (a common heart defect). These mentioned "conditions" are hardly life threatening, but now that my anxiety is so bedded in and complex, I perceive them as such.

I realise that there is a limit to what my G.P can do, but all the same I feel very isolated and "at sea" with these issues. I have put my name down again for another session of C.B.T, but as is usually the case, the waiting time is considerable. I have tried alternative medicine, and for the last two years I have been a total abstainer from alcohol, cigarettes, coffee or stimulants.

I do know that these problems are behavioural, rather than organic. All the same, I am starting to feel like I have no point or purpose any more, and this really frightens me. Up until fairly recently I always had a strong belief that I would get better from this - rather a like a strand of faith that ran through the mire of anxiety and fear. Lately I am struggling to find this strand, and I get a horrible feeling that my life will always be blighted by panic and terror, with nothing to look forward to but years of distress rolling out in front of me.

I wish I could have posted something life-affirming and positive, as I know many people overcome the issues of anxiety and panic successfully. My best friend, who is 18 years older than me, overcame her panic disorder after having suffered with it for a long time.

I wish you all the best, and many thanks to the thought and dedication of the administrators and contributors who have made this website a place of safety.


21-03-11, 14:54
Hi miffyrabbit

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-03-11, 15:43
Hello there, I have found this site a source of great comfort over the last couple of years. It is good to know that we are not on our own with this awful condition.

I am probably the oldest person on NMP (62) but age is no respecter when it comes to anxiety and depression and I have been made very welcome and been given great support.



paula lynne
21-03-11, 16:02
Hi Matthew, welcome aboard, its good to have you with us. Your partner Jeff sounds like a great guy, thats such a plus. Ive got a very supportive hubby, dont know where Id be without him. Ive suffered with panic for 10 years, which quickly developed into agoraphobia, I know how debilitating it is. In fact, it robbed me of my nursing career. However, in the time Ive been on this forum, Ive surprised myself by doing things I never thought possible...going camping, days out, the dreaded supermarket....and while it wasnt comfortable, in fact, most of it was extreamly uncomfortable, I can assure you that how you feel now isnt how it always has to be. Dont give up on wellness Matthew. Get to know the forum, keep posting, you'll find lots of help and support, and make some good friends along the way. :welcome:

21-03-11, 16:40
Hi Mathew. Welcome, you have had it rough. I hear what you are saying and I can only say you have made a positive step in joining this forum. You have a myriad of issues going on that would seem to make your illness quite difficult to manage. My initial thought is, are you happy with the service you have received from your Gp? or do you think possibly there is another who may be able to refer you to a more specific practioner of health. My career in social work came to an abrupt end due to my health issues, however there is always a way and with the correct medications and medium to long term plan these issues can be reversed. Take care and hope to see you around.

23-03-11, 21:18
Post removed by author

26-03-11, 12:58
Hi Matthew,

I can certainly sympathise with your situation. I send you a big :hugs:. I am from the Newcastle area. It's very lonely this anxiety lark. I am going through a very bad time at the moment. I'm currently off workon the sick but unfortunately do not qualify for SSP so am having to run the gauntlet with ESA. The experience of this is making me feel worse than ever anxiety wise.
I am so sorry about you Agrophobia it must be truly awful. The thought of it frightens me. When I go out I often need to have a friend with me. I suffer from severe Tinnitus and Hypercusis. Outdoor noises such as traffic, road works even shops (especially shop announcements) give me pains in my ears I get disorientated and start to panic.
I am currently waiting to see a Psychologist with hopes of CBT. My Dr is very nice and actually understands Tinnitus and how it can affect you (which from what I've heard is highy unusual). He is not sure how much I can be helped on the T front as I've tried everything going.
Anyway I'm sorry to babble on ....
Please feel free to contact a fellow 'Geordie' anytime .... I truly hope things get better for you soon.
Take Care
Julie xx

p.s. Jeff sounds lovely .... not many people can understand anxiety/panic when they have not experienced it before. :(

Vanilla Sky
26-03-11, 15:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x