View Full Version : Just not myself

21-03-11, 21:03
Now i could be googling how i feel till im blue in the face but i find it so much easier and nicer to ask on here lol and just talk to people who might be the same... so anyway

yesterday i came down with the sorest throat i have ever had....i was going to my btothers and by the evening my throat was alot worse and i was just hit with a sudden tiredness... ( i was falling asleep at the dinning table!) i was getting very anxious that something was wrong with me .... obviously sore throat to me is the sign im getting a cold and i think i am right as today i have been so tired unable to move... congestion and still a sore throat...

but the main thing im finding hard to deal with is the anxiety and panic... is it normal to get like this when you have a cold or flu?

little kyle
21-03-11, 21:37
Yes many people worry when there feeling like that and worrying can cause its own symptoms to tell the truth but yes its normal to worry when you feel not well even if you are well you can worry when there is nothing wrong and anxiety symptoms kick in

hope that help'd

21-03-11, 21:44
Apparently there 'is a lot of it about' at the moment, its the time of the year for all the viral cold/throat/cough things0change is temp etc. Do you normally suffer with anxiety?_i guess that if you are on this site, probably means you do?.
I won't say "don't worry" because we all know that we do.
Sounds liek a straighforward viral throat, I've noticed with me in the past that if my temperature goes up slightly i get a lot more twitchy.
Couple of days of work, some paracetamol and LOTS of chocolate, tv trash and a duvet should fix the prob

21-03-11, 21:47
Thank you both for replying and some really good answers to so much appreciated! yeah i suffer from anxiety the worst fear i have is one of a brain aneurysm and at any point i have anxiety it always goes to that subject :( its really getting me down and basically scared like hell

little kyle
21-03-11, 22:00
I have sort of the same thing where i am scared of something but i now i'm fine and there is nothing really wrong its just me anything can relate to my worry and make me worse....... probably the same as it can with you the best thing to try and think is you are really ok and there is nothing wrong

hope that made some sense

21-03-11, 22:02
Glad you found it useful.
Brain anerysms are really rare, why that is particular? Any triggers?
I have suffred with anxiety for over 20 years, and belive me the best thing i ever did was sort the animal out!-it took me a long time to acknowledge the fact that it was anxiety was the problem, it didn't want to admit it or tell anyone because that woudl make me look 'weak' and people would think less of me.
I took the medication route, that,i know is not for everyone, but it was the one for me, i've also had CBT/psychotherapy, these were ok, but it was really cheap relaxation tapes that were most useful -still are. I still have my moments and it does not do anything really for poor self esteem, but it gets rid of the 'panic' and by doing that lets one concentrate on the real issues that led to the anxiety problems rather than on the anxiety itself- if that makes sense?
Best wishes

21-03-11, 22:13
Kath :) its nice to know you are doing alot better and this give me hope!

the whole brain anerysum fear comes.. from hearing about it in the news and it happend to a friend and also a friend of the family ... they are coming out to be not that rare and it scares me more than anything that it can happen to anyone at any time! its horrible :(

I totally get where u are coming from with the whole tapes they always make me relax aka fall asleep haha!! i didnt go down the med way as my partner said i was alot stronger and said they can make it worse :(

i just hate how this has all happend in the last two years i shouldn't be feeling like this im only 22 :( also i have horrible fear of death and just terrible

sorry im going on a little rant!

22-03-11, 19:17
some resemblences are uncanny here!. My whole shennanigans started when I was 21, with a massive panic attack!. I lived like that for 3 years, i'd even started some quite bizzare rituals to 'protect' me against a panic attack-like making sure i could touch something fixed as i was walking along, like a wall or something, a more wierd version of not stepping on the cracks in the pavement thing. if i coudl touch something fixed then i knew i wouldn't fall to the floor in panic and make a complete fool of myself.
Interestingly i was obsessed about getting AIDS-at the time it was in the press all the time and some well wierd urban legends were going around-like you could get AIDS from a toilet seat!!!!!!!!!LOL. I was also sure i had motor neurone disease as a person I know had just died of it.
Strangely though, all this was going on and it never occured to me once to be anxiety, so the irony was I though i was dying of all these conditions while it was anxiety that was actually ruining my life not something 'real' . i finally went to my GP because i was feeling a bit low. Thats when i started the meds and have taken them on and off for 20years. Yes they can make you feel worse for a week or so, but the benefits for me really did outweigh that, for me it was stuff like very florid dreams,but then it felt like this 'fog' lifting.
The key with anxiety is i think, aknowledgement and managment. There is no one magic cure, despite what you hear. I look back now with 20years of hindsight and the only thing i would have done differently is gone to my GP sooner. I still have episodes of anxiety but they are usually for good reason, rather than the irrational stuff i used to get. I am very 'pro'drug because as far as i'm concerned they work (i don't work for a drug company !!LOL)
Its interesting that your partner tells you that you can get through it etc, mine is the same, but i really feel he just doesn't get it , i think he thinks its like stress, but of course we know that they are not the same, i honestly think that you have to have it to know what it is really like. you need to deal with how YOU feel.
My advice get yourself sorted-quickly- you won't regret it-it will let you start living again.
Best wishes