View Full Version : Hi

21-03-11, 21:43
Hi I have been looking on the net and came across this site. I have had panic attacks for about 8yrs now, they seem to get worse recently, I take beta blockers which help stop the fast heart beating but I can't seem to get the negative thoughts out of my head. I have tried therapy, pills, herbal pills and pretty much everything else. Still can't seem to let go. I can't be home alone as I get scared. I have quite a high powered job and every day can be a struggle. Does anyone else struggle to be home alone even for 5 mins as everyone I hear from seems to feel safer at home?

21-03-11, 21:44
Hi Lacey

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-03-11, 21:46
Thank you, do you run this site?

21-03-11, 22:07
Welcome to the board, from a newbie myself.

paula lynne
21-03-11, 22:09
Hi Lacey, a warm welcome to you, nice to have you with us x Yes, Nicola created NMP x:welcome:

21-03-11, 22:13
Hi thank you for you hello!
I was just wondering who started the site as I was thinking there does not seem to be many charities for this.
Can anyone relate to not feeling safe on your own? And anyone from beckenham way?

paula lynne
21-03-11, 22:16
Just a tip Lacey...now youve done your introduction, why not start a new thread specifically about not feeling safe on your own? Its just that you may get more replies that way love ok. Take care, Paula x