View Full Version : Giving up

Deepest Blue
21-03-11, 23:59
Hi all....

Do you ever get days where you think that you can't take anymore, where you believe you have tried your hardest to make yourself better but instead you feel like an even bigger failure than before. Well I feel like that now like I'm so close to giving everything up.

macc noodle
22-03-11, 00:37
Hey hun, we all have days like that (truth to tell sometimes days, weeks & months like that).....................

Don't give up - just because today did not achieve all you had set out to do, does not make it a failure.

You are not a failure - you are just like the rest of us - a human being who strives and sometimes we achieve and sometimes not. It is simply that today was not one of those days for you.

So, what the heck, we can always try again tomorrow.............. :)

22-03-11, 00:51
yeah hun i get days like that all the time some times the days role into weeks but you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other....chin up hun

Deepest Blue
22-03-11, 11:36
Aw, thanks for the messages of encouragement.

I apologise for my outburst I was feeling exceptionally low last night for some reason and I just needed somewhere to let it out. I fell asleep soon after I posted which I was thankful for at least as I didn't want another sleepless night.

Apologies and Thanks once again :) x x

22-03-11, 11:41
Aw, thanks for the messages of encouragement.

I apologise for my outburst I was feeling exceptionally low last night for some reason and I just needed somewhere to let it out. I fell asleep soon after I posted which I was thankful for at least as I didn't want another sleepless night.

Apologies and Thanks once again :) x x

Don't apologies, hun, its better out than in. Everyone has there bad moments.

How are you feeling today?? I hope you feel better.

22-03-11, 11:54
I feel like this nearly everyday and feel that unless I go down the medication route the docs don't want to know :-(

Deepest Blue
22-03-11, 23:43
Hi again.. I am feeling a little bit better today, kept myself busy with work then with my hobbies when I got home so to keep my mind off it.

Thanks for your message shygirlajb made me feel better.

Lonerider I don't take any meds apart from propranolol because i find they make me feel worse... I hope you feel better soon.

I agree its good to talk about these things and with each other, it does make a difference especially talking to those who understand and thankfully this forum does understand.


23-03-11, 00:33
good to hear your feeling better no need for sorrys thats why we came to this site to talk with people who understand us and want to help (if we can) some days are good other not so just keep looking forward not back hun xxx