View Full Version : whos tired?

22-03-11, 07:26
i can not remember the last time i wole up feeling refreshed. who else suffers from tiredness and weakness.

22-03-11, 08:33
I'm constantly shattered but I have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) so I supposed it's to be expected!!! Anxiety can make you feel tired and lethargic xxx

22-03-11, 09:13
I do, but as time goes on it does get better.xxx

22-03-11, 09:30
Im constantly tired and yawning, think its the anxiety and the medication.

22-03-11, 10:18
Im exactly the same, mind you I dont sleep well at night cant remember the last time I slept through!

22-03-11, 21:16
I also wake up shattered whether i have an early night or a late one. I go to work and yawn most of the day, also certain parts of the day i could sleep standing up . Night time i rarely have a problem sleeping, sometimes think some hibernation woulod be good lol!!:)

22-03-11, 21:32
i do i have to get a proper night sleep or i get anxious big time. but every day I'm tired tireder than normal people x

23-03-11, 10:32
I'm always feeling tired too and I have to say sometimes it does worry me. I haven't had a night when I've slept all the way through for about 9yrs and I've forgotten what it feels like to wake up feeling refreshed and looking forward to the day ahead.

24-03-11, 04:53
I do as well.We could go anywhere we want to ..and do anything we want..But when I actually thinking of traveling or doing most much of anything ,I get tired from just the thought..