View Full Version : Hello - Newbie here

22-03-11, 10:44
Well hoping this site will be helpful for me ... I'm still in the early stages of see docs and knowing whats wrong with me but I believe I suffer from anxiety and varying depression.

I have suffered from it on and off my 1st realisation was about 10 yrs ago where I lost my job and nearly family etc but managed to get control and back on track through hypnotherapy and self help.

Since then I've had mild attacks of the symptoms but again managed to get through and cope with everyday life...

Till now ... I changed jobs to be closer to home but have not managed to settle properly its coming up for 6 months and been suffering for a few months with anxiety trying to get to work, not feeling settled while at work and lack of attention, motivation to complete easy tasks etc, oh and just tired in everything I do, I've been with muscle ache and pain (although think my back needs attention anyway) very tense in shoulders and feeling sick.

I have been taking rescue remedy to get me to work in the mornings which has just been taking the edge off my feelings and getting me to work and the muscle ache stopped for a while and felt like I was getting a little more positive, also I have been using up holiday and having short 4 day weeks.
Not sure if this related to anxiety etc but last week I woke up on Monday with cramp/pulled muscle feeling in my right leg (thought maybe I'd got bad cramp in the night or something) but this stayed with me all week and spread all up my right side from ankle to head but I had no thought as to how or why although I was not feeling the need to take the rescue remedy? This week so far I'd still got twenges on my right side and a general tightness through shoulders and back, headache and a general feeling of wanting to be sick esp on first waking and knowing i need to get up and go to work.

Sometimes I feel maybe I'm just making it all up and should get on with it and just cope and others I just want to switch off.

Not even sure all this is relevant or making sense??

I'm going back to my doctor today, half of me just wants to not have to try to get through the day and go to work etc but then the other half of me is worried that will make everything worse.

My boss is aware of how I am feeling etc but obviously wants me at work and being productive - then I just worry I'm going to loose my job with how I'm feeling.

It seems to be centred all around work but also things like housework and chores I just generally struggle in completing and doing things alone I tend to get my other half to escort me.

Sorry for the massive blurt out of everything :unsure:

22-03-11, 10:47
Hi LoneRider

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
22-03-11, 10:52
Welcome aboard Lone rider, good to have you with us. All the best at the doctors today x:welcome:

22-03-11, 12:19
Hi and welcome, no apology needed and everything you have to say is relevant and makes sense. You are going through a tough time by the sounds of it, see what the doctor says today, and over the coming days have a good look around the site for anything that may help you. All the best and hope to see you about x

22-03-11, 12:46
Well doctor seems to been as helpful as a chocolate teapot feel worse rather than better - have posted on a new thread.

and thank you for the welcomes.

22-03-11, 14:00
Hi Lone
are you male or female?
Have you concidered you may have an underactive thyroid gland? i only mention it because i changed jobs beliveing it was anxiety making me feel exactly like you describe, only to change jobs and struggle exactly the same, long long story short i was diagnosed with underactive thyroid and put on meds for that, it was like a bloody revelation, energy came back i could all of a sudden be bothered again, cencentration came back etc, don't get me wrong having an underactive thyroid is crap but the medication for it is vital and helps withing a week or so, it certainly is something you should look into cos hypothyroidism is very very common and easy to treat and diagnose.

Let me know how ya get on
Sharon :)

22-03-11, 14:12
Hi Lone
are you male or female?
Have you concidered you may have an underactive thyroid gland? i only mention it because i changed jobs beliveing it was anxiety making me feel exactly like you describe, only to change jobs and struggle exactly the same, long long story short i was diagnosed with underactive thyroid and put on meds for that, it was like a bloody revelation, energy came back i could all of a sudden be bothered again, cencentration came back etc, don't get me wrong having an underactive thyroid is crap but the medication for it is vital and helps withing a week or so, it certainly is something you should look into cos hypothyroidism is very very common and easy to treat and diagnose.

Let me know how ya get on
Sharon :)

Hello Sharon

Sorry I'm female, 30yrs old ... I have read briefly about reports of it but it's not something I've looked into and doctors certainly haven't. Thank you will certainly look into it and ask the docs too! Knew there was a reason I joined here!


22-03-11, 14:34
Hi Lone

the fact your female makes underactive thyroid even more likely, have a read of the thyroid foundations website, the symptoms you discribe are classic, blood tests for it are simple but be careful, if you do get bloods done ask for a print out of the results, you are entitled to any blood test results, dont need docs permision receptionist can print them out for you, the test done is a TFT (thyroid function test) should have a result on it for TSH (thyroid secreting hormone), diff areas have diff what they call normal ranges but most are 0.1 to 5.5 everyone needs to be nr the low end of normal.
I suffered for 2 years unneccesary but once on thyroxin it all got better, so please concider it so many people could be feeling a whole lot better :)
