View Full Version : counsellor

22-03-11, 13:20
Hi all,

Well I saw a counsellor for the first time yesterday. Typically when i made the appointment i was a having a bad day, the day of the appointment i almost cancelled it as i felt really well! but i went anyway, and ended up in tears while talking. well i suppose it was as good a place as any to cry. I didnt really know what to expect or what to say, and i was a bit nervous about having to open up. It went ok, had some tears, talked a bit, though i m not really convinced yet, i have lots of pieces to paper to read which seems odd.

How has evryone dealt with conselling? good reports? bad reports? good rapport with the counsellor?

thanks for advice?

22-03-11, 14:53
Being tearful at Counselling is perfectly normal, so don't worry. I have done counselling twice and personally find the sessions exhausting.

The first time I had counselling I found it amazingly useful, the second time again it was ok but I didn't connect with the counsellor so don't feel we achieved very much.

However I do think Counselling is worthwhile, the time is about you and you only.

I have a friend who is training to be a Counsellor and it is perfectly normal for you to be feeling as you are.

Maybe have another session or two before you make a true judgement, the first session is always tough.

Just remember to be honest with the Counsellor and more importantly yourself though - that is where I go wrong lolx

23-03-11, 03:21
I always think of counselling like opening a wound to give ourselves a chance to heal. So often we bottle our fears, our bad feelings or memories of bad experiences which then cause us emotional stress which builds up and surfaces as anxiety symptoms.

It's natural to feel emotional because in theory it's part of the healing process by letting go and coming to terms with all the issues we've kept bottled.

I think this is why counselling is often for limited periods because once the issues are out, we then start to heal.

To be honest though, I've always found it difficult to connect with counsellors because in their capacity they have to remain objective and professional which has left me feeling "cold". I've always felt I need a warm friendly connection but that's not how counsellors can operate which I can understand.

I think also that in my circumstances the hurt will always be there because I have to go back to it constantly every day because I feel i can't do anything about my trap. I guess that's what I need to come to terms with. I honestly don't know how though.

All I wish was that you could gets hugs on the Nhs because a hug a day would be much more effective for me than a pill a day which I refuse to go back to.

Having said all that, there's no reason why counselling won't help you because your issues aren't the same as mine so I'm quite Sure you'll get better in time.:bighug1: