View Full Version : Is there a flu/cold bug going around at the moment?

22-03-11, 13:23
Only I woke up this morning feeling terrible with a stuffy nose & a very sore throat...

I live in the north west of england...is there something going around at the moment or could it be abit of early hayfever? Although it doesn't really feel like hayfever...

22-03-11, 13:25
Hi, yeah. I'm in Manchester and there's a cold bug going round. Sounds mild, though, haven't known anyone off sick with it, so you should be alright.

22-03-11, 13:40
Thanks alot, yeah I don't feel too bad but bad enough to have no energy whatsoever lol :)
Just been speaking to a friend of mine who lives in London & even she's down with it...so it must be doing it's rounds haha!

It's strange, I didn't catch anything over the xmas when all my family were down with flu for weeks, I always seem to the catch the spring/summer bugs >.<

22-03-11, 13:51
i've had about 3 spring colds in a row, it's rubbish! up your vitamin C intake, hope you feel better soon x x x

22-03-11, 18:53
Oh dear, one is bad enough, never mind three...hope you're feeling better
I feel really bad at the moment, the main thing that bothers me is that it's raising my heartbeat & I have issues with my pulse/heart rate as it's that what triggered off the more severe anxiety a couple of years back.
Everytime I get a cold or something, it raises my heartbeat & makes it beat harder, it's terrible. :( So I'm feeling a little anxious at the moment but trying to distract myself...

22-03-11, 19:14
I had the cold last week, it was awful, one of the worse I have ever had started with a sore throat then a cough, runny nose, aches and pains and fever . My boyfreind has it now.

22-03-11, 20:40
I've had 3 colds in as many weeks :mad:. Unfortunately with my 2 girls being at pre-school we constantly have some bug or other!!!

Hope you feel better soon.
K xx

03-05-11, 22:35
Into May now I have developed a terrible cold..feel so weak and tired it's driving my anxiety on worse...I felt my breathing tight as my nose just seemed congested, chest aches all over, strains..

seems there's a bug going round every month always feel ill past year.. :ohmy: