View Full Version : Need to vent - I am so worried

22-03-11, 13:47
I have been crying all alone today and didn't go into work. I think I may have something serious and I am worrying myself sick that I may leave my beautiful child and my lovely husband behind. I feel so sick that I have come so far in my recovery to be reduced to this within three weeks of my first symptom.

A long 2inch lump keeps appearing in my groin which I thought may have been a Hernia but docs says not..and pretty much ignored this lump although I admit it wasn;t really there at the time..it comes and goes and mainly prominent first thing in the morning. This is all accompanied by burning and pinching pain in my groin up to my hip and in my bottom and lots of leg pain. I am limping around and taking Tramadol.

My anxiety pains have started to kick in now which I had under control...but I can differiate them from above (fast heat beat, tingling, numbness in limbs)

My bloods have come back good - but I read on the net that this is not a sure thing

I am trying so hard to keep it together and be strong but actually I am so fearful that I am going to break down again and really need help, I am convinced that I dont have long. I am sorry but I really needed to release this as I feel like a pressure valve.


22-03-11, 13:58
Hi Ambers,oh its just awful isnt it? im a blooming mess too,im where you are at the moment crying and worrying im leaving my family.I take it from your post that you have H/A and know the symptoms when this flares up..are you on any meds for your anxiety,if it comes and goes then surely thats a good sign and if the dr wasnt fussed does that not reassure you?x

22-03-11, 14:16
Hi Sandy,

Thank you for replying. I am not on meds as they didn't agree with me. I did suffer with Agoraphobia and panic attacks which I have battled with and was getting to a good place and feeling confident again... I am not sure if I have HA or not...but it appears it may be creeping in to fill the void of beating PA. Or are they all the same, I dont know but I am so upset and confused again. I just want a diagnose and I get anxious waiting :unsure:

I am not scared of dying but I am scared of my child growing up without my love and guidance

22-03-11, 17:17
Hey there Amber. I read your post and had to reply. I so relate to what you are saying. I have two beautiful children and that is what makes my health anxiety go through the roof! I do great for a few months, then a new symptom arises and BOOM! I am going crazy again looking for answers. I go from doctor to doctor and from medicine to medicine. I am really so sick of it.
As far as your lump, I think you would feel better if you got it checked out. It would give you peace of mind. I hope that you can get your mind on something else for a while, it will make you feel better.:hugs: