View Full Version : Do I need to go back to the Doctors?

22-03-11, 14:09
Before I post my problem I just wanted to say that this forum has got me though some very dark times when my anxiety has been at it’s peak so thank you. :flowers:

Please can anyone please help me put my mind at rest. I have been to the doctors about palpitations, I get up to about 5 a month and these have worried me because my dad died at 48 of a heart attack. They are flutters in the middle of my chest.

I have had 3 normal resting ECGs and the doctor said that she will just run some blood tests and told me to try and control my anxieties. I have had about 4 things tested for on the blood tests including cholesterol which was 5.7 and a full blood count which was normal.

When I rang for the results the receptionist said that they are all fine. Do you think I should go back to the doctors? Or will the blood tests and ECG be efficient enough to say that I am fine? The Receptionist said that the doctor hadn’t put any notes on the screen to ask me to come back in?

What do you guys think? Should I go back in to see the Doc or can I try and get some normality back in my life now? (if I can remember what that is!) xx

22-03-11, 14:25
Hi. You don't need to go to the doctors about your heart. Your heart is fine. But have you got enough support for your anxiety? If you feel like you could do with more - meds/therapy/general advice - I'd go back and ask about that :)

Take care

22-03-11, 14:33
Thank you for the reply, I think I need to stop reading and googling things as I keep reading that you need the palpatations to be picked up on an ECG for the Doctors to know whether it's serious and that's the main thing that's worrying me at the moment. That's why I ask if anyone thinks that I should go back? xx

22-03-11, 17:42
Can I share something with you? I have been reading two books which have helped me a lot with my H/A. At first, I thought it was crazy but I tried it.
First, accept that you have heart palpatations....just somehow accept it. Then float past it. I have learned to accept a lot of my symptoms and they have went away.
The doctor's have said your heart is healthy. Accept that too and focus your energy on keeping it that way. You'll be thankful you did.

22-03-11, 18:38
Thanks Hun, your replies have made me feel better, I will really try to get over this and take your advice and I'm glad uve found away to deal with this, I think I will get the book for some help xxx

22-03-11, 19:17
Hey hun as far as I'm aware heart palpertations are perfectly normal and have no effect on the heart if they are caused by stress or anxiety ( and after 3 ecgs id b pretty sure your heart is fine ) apparently everybody will experience them at some point ! Stress / anxiety is BIG cause for them ! I honestly wouldn't worry about ur heart ESP after the ECGs but maybe go back 2 ur doc bout getting help or support for HA or even just some reassurance bout the blood tests if it would help you that's what the docs r there 4 to help us ! Chin up :)))

23-03-11, 18:56
Hi Jj8,
please see your Gp again to ask about your results properly.and disscuss your colesteral levels as well. with family history you have to take care.
Let us know how you go on
All the best xx

23-03-11, 21:36
Hi Why do you think there is something wrong with me? Do you think I needmore tests? I'm really stressing now is my cholesterol high do you think? X

23-03-11, 21:48
Anyone X

27-03-11, 16:53
Hi there, Its up to you if you want to see you GP again. I do not know if there is any thing wrong with you,only your GP will know that-- just to put your mind at rest or you will worry more xx

27-03-11, 17:05
No you dont need the doctors again, youve had 3 ECG's - they would show up any irregularities etc there is nothing wrong you have anxiety - plus a few palpitations per month is pretty good going some people with anxiety get them for hours on end each day.

These are perfectly normal although are unconfortable and scary


27-03-11, 18:56
My dad died early as well from an heart attack and my husband Rob had on over a year ago.
Rob survived his heart attack and takes many drugs for it, but he is also diabetic as well.!!
Talking with cardiologists became second nature, the point i am trying to make is that a Exercise even Rob has to push hs heart, Rob had to have what they called cardiac rehab at the hospital, secondly if you want reduce your cholesterol go to the doctors or try out certain foods
and eat a margarine called Benecol or any cholesterol reducing food- every cardiac, nutritionist says they do work and to spread it nicely for full effect.
But i have also been through what you are experiencing i had 3 ECGS and tests, it was just stress i had at the time, one panick attack lasted all night!!!
x angie:welcome:

27-03-11, 19:45
no hun really ndont think you need to go back to the doctors your heart is fine.

i used to ge palpitations every night still get them some times but they have died down hand in hand witrh anxiety i think xx
try to relax now there is no more tests needed so you can relax in the knowledge your hearts fine xx

27-03-11, 21:06
Hi everyone
thank you for helping me, just to update you all. I felt really stressed so I went back to the doctors and she said that everything is fine and that my cholesterol is borderline high so I have to try and do exercise etc... So I'm going to go swimming tomorrow night & try& make it a regular thing to help with my anxierty aswel, so I'm hoping that it will make me feel better! Angie I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I hope that he is making a good recovery, I have brought lots of veg, juices etc and I heard that drinking a small amount of red wine can help! Not sure how true that is lol I've done a lot of Reading about it over the weekend! Hope you are all ok xxx

29-03-11, 00:24
Hi Hun,
Rob is fine now. Thx for asking! Rob is back to normal, he has strong drugs to look after him now!!
Yep red wine is good for you, Rob after his heart attack was told small glass is fine!
Also if you can invest in a good margarine like flora pro, or benecol anything that reduces cholesterol works thats what all the cardiac consultants told us, and cod liver oil is good for you, one of the drugs Rob takes is called Omacor and is fish oil, any brand will do. Eat oily fish as well!!! And dont be afraid to have the odd treat with food, even the hospital told Rob to enjoy in moderation! Rob is also insulin diabetic as well so he has a double whammy, but he still eats chocolate and cheese which are high in fat!! Exercise is good, keep up the good work!
x angie