View Full Version : No Appetite / Weight Loss / Nausea Need to start eating !! eating disorder!!

22-03-11, 15:00
i have been having bad time eating lately and just cant cope with every mouthful i get bad nausea.... is this all in the head ?? its like i now have a fear of foods i also have a phobia of vomiting and due to my loss of appetite from not eating my stomach has now got so small anything i eat is hurting my stomach or making me feel so full straight away and nausea :weep: even days i feel so hungry all day (EXTREMLY HUNGRY) and just wanna eat & eat i still get bad anxiety and feel nausea straight away.....
my boyfriend and family all say its just in my head !!!! but i can really feel it and don't think it is in my head my body is so full up of wind and just wont break today i have eaten ok porridge for breakfast then a snack after but i just get waves of nausea my weight is dropping dramicley i really dont no what to do i go to eat but if i feel nausea or full etc my body goes into panic mode thinking am going to vomit
i have chatted with doctors and they have all exolained to me that food just wont make you vomit etc unless you eat toxins or poison but i just cant stop panicing or when i eat i feel the wind moving round my belly and i panic it just wont come out i need help i do see a counsellor & dietitian who also tell me food wont make me sick but how can i get it through my head and just eat without worrying about bein sick or without feeling nausea afterwards i cant cope with this my body is so hungry and i just feel like a failure

has anyone had an eating disorder and if so how did you start eating again without all negative thinking etc....

22-03-11, 15:07
I developed a phobia of eating almost 12 months ago Honeyp1e after an episode of indigestion..I took the eating steady for a day or two but then the fear had set in and I soon realised that I was having half the calories I was used to.. Weight has dropped off, doctor was next to useless, a nutritionist was rubbish, so I have to struggle on with it.

22-03-11, 17:30
Could you not ask the docs about the drug that stops you feeling sick (forgot the name of it ) It begins with D and piers on here as been prescribed it and i had it for a short while .
Some docs prescribe it with ant acid meds .

22-03-11, 19:47
Could you not ask the docs about the drug that stops you feeling sick (forgot the name of it ) It begins with D and piers on here as been prescribed it and i had it for a short while .
Some docs prescribe it with ant acid meds .

which the domperidone ?? or i have prochlorperazine ??

22-03-11, 20:11
It was the domperidone.....looks like you and your Dr have it covered:yesyes:

Have you started the citralapram yet , or have you been a naughty girl and not started it yet ?
It worked for me with my anxiety / depression and hence it helped my stomach issues .

Hope you start to feel better soon , you must eat regular , i know its difficult for you but its the only way forward :yesyes:

22-03-11, 20:45
It was the domperidone.....looks like you and your Dr have it covered:yesyes:

Have you started the citralapram yet , or have you been a naughty girl and not started it yet ?
It worked for me with my anxiety / depression and hence it helped my stomach issues .

Hope you start to feel better soon , you must eat regular , i know its difficult for you but its the only way forward :yesyes:

When do you take the domperidone when needed or 3times day etc??
i still haven't been the loo :weep: and now have the worse trapped wind, hip pain, lower back pains etc followed by waves of nausea & watery mouth i just don't no how am going to get through this any longer ??
am worrying & panicking so much that am ill or something as y else would i get nausea even though all i can feel is the wind moving round my belly n pressure all above my bottom & pubic bone but i cant move the bowels
i rang my counsellor earlier on to see what advice she could give me and i explained to her how bad i have gotten and that i think it would be alot better for me to go into hospital to get more help that i am needed which she also agreed that it would be better for me to go into hospital but as she is only my counsellor she can't put me in but is going to write a letter to my doctor about it i really don't no what i want i do wanna go in to get better but i don't want to leave my children for however long i will have to be there ??