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22-03-11, 15:03
Hi i was just wondering what symptoms other sufferers of ibs get, mine tends to be central near belly button and right side and hip area, it would ease my anxiety if i knew other people suffered like me. Forgot to say i get like spasms and sometimes bloated so look pregnant even though i am not.

Please can somebody reply to me, don't want to feel all alone.

22-03-11, 18:36
mine is lower left ovary area and under left ribs then it some times meets in the middle and around hip and my side does yours hurt when you bend or stretch mine does

22-03-11, 20:53
My pain varies but is usually up under left ribs, in both sides and hips and in left ovary area. I also get bloating too, I'm (I@m) very skinny so look about 6 months pregnant sometimes!!!

23-03-11, 00:12
Yes I get the discomfort from mid to right upper abdominal just below the right ribs.
Also worse after a bowel movement.

23-03-11, 10:59
thanks nice to know not in the boat alone.

23-03-11, 11:33
One thing to understand is that normally IBS can only be properly diagnosed once all other tests and investigations have proven to be negative.

24-03-11, 11:13
i have had blood tests etc done but doctor said cos of my age did not need an endoscopy as was classic symptoms of ibs, but still get anxious.

01-04-11, 10:30
hi my symptoms are usually always the same -

pain or spasm lower left ovary area
spasm ALWAYS just around belly button area
bloated / full feeling (usually starts just below my rubs in center) (look pregnant)
trapped wind

01-04-11, 11:12
similar to me then

19-05-11, 22:19
similar to me then

yes very similar to you and the pregnant look i have that now :weep: and CONSTIPATION is horrible (pains are always mainly in the left side) i hate it so much its so uncomfortable and bad nausea

03-06-11, 10:10

I have pain ranging from low down, mostly on the left to up under my ribs on both sides. The pain across my belly button always seems to be there. It feels crampy and makes me feel bloated. I also have that incomplete senstaion as well which is really uncomfortable and a little distressing!!

I do not have bleeding, loss of appetite, weight loss or pain which wakes me in the night. I don't even have problems with BMs now (I did a couple of weeks ago but that has settled now) - just lots of wind and pain.

In past flare-ups, I have had numerous tests including colonoscopy, barium xray, ultrasound scans, blood tests, urine and stool tests. All clear.

Sometimes I find it hard to accept that IBS causes such horrible symptoms especially when I can go for months without having any problems, then WHAM, it's back again!! When I worry about the pain, it gets a lot worse!!

03-06-11, 11:02
i know is hard to believe that is what causes so many problems, i hate it.

08-06-11, 16:30
Hi i was just wondering what symptoms other sufferers of ibs get, mine tends to be central near belly button and right side and hip area, it would ease my anxiety if i knew other people suffered like me. Forgot to say i get like spasms and sometimes bloated so look pregnant even though i am not.

Please can somebody reply to me, don't want to feel all alone.

This has settled my mind a little as right now am suffering and with my stomach (mainly constipation) i look 9 months pregnant and some1 even asked me when i was due which am totally not pregnant!! my symptoms is always constipation, pains all on left side, lower back pain, pressure pains all above pubic bone area :weep: also bad head aches, nausea, crazy noises & bubbles in belly x