View Full Version : WAKING UP!!!!!

07-04-06, 14:14
Does anyone else feel like it takes them at least 3-4 hours to properly wake up and function? i always feel sick, tension in neck and eyes and like i aint even slept everyday when i wake up, i just wanted to know if this was normal with anxiety sufferes. because i feel this way i think thats why i think im seriously ill with something cause i wake up 1st thing like it.


07-04-06, 14:29
Hi kate,

I am just like you, it takes me ages to wake up, i got out of bed at 8am and i still feel half a sleep, its usualy tea time when i come round, i do try to keep busy but the sleepyness just wont go away, it is part of anxiety so dont think you have some serious illness, i think its because our minds are working overtime.

Hope this helps


07-04-06, 14:38
Hi Katy, I can totally relate to this. It takes me ages to feel fully awake in the morning and no matter how early I go to bed I still don't wake up feeling refreshed. I dread having to get the kids ready for school as I seem to get so stressed and am always watching the clock to see how much time I have left to get ready and I always seem to be in a panic at the last minute and feel so flustered when i finally arrive at the school. I am so glad they break up for easter today as at least I won't have to rush in a morning. I am usually o.k by the time I get back from school and can breathe a sigh of relief but it has still taken me a good few hours to feel wide awake. I am due to give birth on 22nd April and don't know how I will cope with having to get a baby ready for the school run as well. I am lucky in that I have a neighbour who has offered to take my youngest to school and bring him home again until I am feeling up to it and my daughter who is 12 can usually sort herself out and i am hoping she will be a big help to me when the baby arrives. Do you find you start to feel better throughout the day? When my anxiety and panic attacks first started I used to feel really ill all day and night without any let up but as I have gradually got better I only feel crap in the mornings or last thing at night. I also used to think I was seriously ill but I am still here after 5 years of suffering so I must be o.k LOL!!!!!
Hope this helps to reassure you that you are not alone with this.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

07-04-06, 15:38
Katy do you know it takes me all day to actually come round it is properley bout 9pm that i start feeling awake..
I wake up so so grotty me to as if i havnt slept all night, nasty ..my breathing is rubbish ,i have aches and pains all over and i just feel terrible, i wonder how i would feel if i was working right now, how i would managed to wake up and focus on my job, which is what i dream to do..work.(yeah as if thats gonna happen)
Katy you need not worry i feel unbelivable when i wake up ..i promise this is al part of anxiety, and if you or any one suffers depression too, then youde be feeling even worse waking up , when you have this as well.

ash x