View Full Version : Sorry if this upsets anyone

22-03-11, 18:14
Hi my name is Mike Hill and i'm returning to this forum after a couple of years during which i've managed to stop my panic attacks after 25 yrs of trying- i tried them all you name it beta blockers , seroxat , alcohol,weed and more.

I remember the reason i left was not because of the enormous support people offer in here but because the feeling of despair when i realised so many people seemed to accept that we have to live with panic (not cure it)by addicting ourselves to drugs or keep paying therapists for mixed results

What we need is a good dose of reality!! NMP recommends an iconic book by Susan Jeffers called Feel The Fear and do it anyway - i suggest everyone get a copy. This book was instrumental in me taking the first steps to recovery - it teaches a lot about self help but more importantly for me was the suggestion that we alone are repsonsible for everything that occurs in our life (including) attacks

Maybe hard to take but if you think about it , it does make sense - if we are obesely overweight or suffer from bronchial problems whose fault is it - did we stop eating all that junk over the years or stop smoking , did any one force us.

The book also helps tremendously in shutting up that brain chatterbox - you know the one that keeps telling us that we're ill, we're going to die etc

My point is that as we did something that started our attacks is'nt it therefore a logical extension that we are the only ones that can stop them by doing something instead of relying upon the wisdom of the medical industry - think about it , a multi billion industry of drug companies , doctors and therapists exists purely because we are told we have to live with panic not actually stop it - this is almost in my opinion akin to the Tobacco industry where now the sale of stop smoking products outstrips actual tobacco sales.

Do you yourselves a favour get the book (from the NMP amazon store as it helps fund this tremendous forum) put yourself in the right mindset to stop the attacks yourself as believe me no drug ever will ,it might be a small dosage now but it will get bigger .If your on SSRI's especially you will get more and more emotionless unable to experience the joys of life.

If therapy works for you great but there also a lot more programmes on the internet that have proven results , some of you might have seen this in the Dail Mail (UK paper)
for instance

Go on do yourselves a favour you can stop stop panic you just have to take action


22-03-11, 18:57
Hi Mike your Daily mail link promotes C/L method .Here at NMP we dont approve of promoting him .Everything you need to learn to overcome your panic /anxiety is available here ,and doesnt cost the ammount this man and those like him charge .. Welcome back to the site BTW .sue x

22-03-11, 19:54
thx for the welcome

i was'nt promoting anything about Linden it was a story i read a few weeks ago.

Surely we have a responsibility to make people aware of any potential cure

22-03-11, 20:31
I have pm'd you Mike


22-03-11, 22:13
I also think the Linden method is a bad idea - money for nothing you can't get for free.

Mike, you're right about everything you've said, although to be honest, no doctor or therapist has ever encouraged me to live with panic/anxiety/depression. It's always been made clear to me that pills are a temporary patch to make me functional enough to help myself and CBT actively encourages people to fight against their problems in order to no longer suffer them.

I'm glad you're feeling better and sorry to hear that you were unable to get this help at first'! Sounds like you were getting bad advice. Great that you've got there in the end, though! :)

22-03-11, 22:21
ok i have to agree on so many levels here. I'm still mildly anxious but i have over come majority of it alone with will power and learning what pushes its buttons ino it will go soon.

i don't take med and agree a lot on here are happy cruisingand happy to manage with anxieties i don't want to manage i won't to be free.

and i love no panic but why can't we advertise different methods its like its no panic way or nothing and if that was case why still suffering??

22-03-11, 23:09
Ok, I'll bite - yes Mike, you have upset me, so a couple of points

more importantly for me was the suggestion that we alone are repsonsible for everything that occurs in our life (including) attacks

I can't really accept that I am responsible for eg the environment I was brought up in (not the physical environment), the fact that I have CFS/ME, the fact that my husband has MS ... all of which are major factors in my anxiety.

If your on SSRI's especially you will get more and more emotionless unable to experience the joys of life.

I've heard this said a few times but can only speak for myself and say that after a total of something like seven years on Prozac/fluoxetine I can still experience a full range of emotions (I'm not addicted to them either).

It's always good hear about what has helped people but personally think it's wrong to suggest that there is only one way to tackle things and that the same works for everybody - different things work for different people.

I might get hold of a copy of Feel the Fear, however. I did read it years ago and obviously it didn't have a great impact but I'm always open to ideas and might give it another go.

22-03-11, 23:32
ok i have to agree on so many levels here. I'm still mildly anxious but i have over come majority of it alone with will power and learning what pushes its buttons ino it will go soon.

i don't take med and agree a lot on here are happy cruisingand happy to manage with anxieties i don't want to manage i won't to be free.

and i love no panic but why can't we advertise different methods its like its no panic way or nothing and if that was case why still suffering??

Its" No more panic .". and you can always look on the internet for other things if you choose to .Its your anxiety you deal with it how you want .To say its this way or nothing is untrue .But you will find that particiuar method a rip off .Ok if you have plenty of spare cash to waste .feel free .You wont find anything different in it than you can read on here for free tho .This site doesnt promote money making cures .Im sure Nic is the best person to tell you why tho .:D sue

22-03-11, 23:50
opinion not allowed on sorry no more panic now?

i suffered 9 years before i get help and was taught how to over come it properso don't act high and mighty.
i don't spend money on methods never have and never will jumping to conclusions there.
i just agree with point regarding meds and can't understand why people can't advertise help.

you haven't actually said why?
if your making point do it properly don't just say rip off how do you no?
i agree most probably are. but then i think meds mask the problem and don't help but that's my opinion and im entitled to that!

i have had great help from no panic but alp seen some people be very rude an harsh to some new people.
why on earth do you need to get nic involved in a opin.
o yeah that's right cos some of you are in a gang and tell tale if some one doesn't agree with what you think.
its a helping and opinion site for anxiety etc
so do that without being high and mighty
and i won't apologie cosI'm not insulting no panic or nicola
i had a opinion about a thread end of!!

23-03-11, 00:07
Perhaps I can explain why we don't allow paid sites to be advertised on here and then clear things up for people.

Firstly I do not think someone offering a miracle cure to a sufferer should be allowed to advertise as such on here. There is no miracle cure!

Secondly if anything bad is said about Charles Linden I get threatened by him for libel etc so it is just not worth it to be honest. I have been down this route before and am not prepared to go down it again.

We had members buy his programme and they are still here asking for help so that says a lot in my opinion.

Thirdly we get affiliates signing up purely to make money out of advertising these sites and these people are preying on members who are looking for any instant cure.

Hope that clarifies it anyway.

23-03-11, 00:16
ok i have to agree on so many levels here. I'm still mildly anxious but i have over come majority of it alone with will power and learning what pushes its buttons ino it will go soon.

i don't take med and agree a lot on here are happy cruisingand happy to manage with anxieties i don't want to manage i won't to be free.

and i love no panic but why can't we advertise different methods its like its no panic way or nothing and if that was case why still suffering??

Just to add to this post.

NMP is a support site - it is not a cure site. It is all about self-help and meeting friends and like-minded people.

I don't charge people to come on here, I don't offer a miracle cure - I just offer support and advice and if you read the website pages then there is loads of advice in there that can help you recover.

There is no such thing as the No More Panic way. We are not a cult :wacko:

paula lynne
23-03-11, 09:59
To the origonal poster, I have Susan Jeffers on tape, been using it for 10 years now, and would definately recommend her, as you say, some great tips on controlling the chatterbox etc. I often just relax in bed listening to her as I go to sleep, and its definately helped me.

23-03-11, 12:37
Perhaps I can explain why we don't allow paid sites to be advertised on here and then clear things up for people.

Firstly I do not think someone offering a miracle cure to a sufferer should be allowed to advertise as such on here. There is no miracle cure!

Secondly if anything bad is said about Charles Linden I get threatened by him for libel etc so it is just not worth it to be honest. I have been down this route before and am not prepared to go down it again.

We had members buy his programme and they are still here asking for help so that says a lot in my opinion.

Thirdly we get affiliates signing up purely to make money out of advertising these sites and these people are preying on members who are looking for any instant cure.

Hope that clarifies it anyway.

Sorry It does'nt in my opinion

Firtsly i wasn't promoting Linden or any other 'guru' i was simply making an article from the Dail Mail available that shows some people have chosen to try different routes that in the case of the article seem to have worked.

What you are actually saying is that i am right that the medical industry created to treat anxiety simply will not accept any tolerance of any alternative treatment other then drugs or therapy.

HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT - seriously think about it , people have every right to make choices about their lives and the treatment of their issues , you simply refusing to accept theirs no alternative is ludicrous

23-03-11, 12:54
I think the fact she is getting threatened for libel by this guy just shows we shouldn't mention him for her sake.

A lot of people on here are going to have bad things to say about people offering miracle cures in return for cash. What seems to be the most important reason for this site not to support such conversations is the legal one.

Your rights aren't being infringed on here.

23-03-11, 13:01
oh ok - understand now i'll refrain from mentioning individuals from now on

obviously theres history i wasnt aware of

23-03-11, 13:29
No ones says that Medication is the only answer here Mike .I dont know where you and get that from .Nicola often posts that this is not the case and CBT IS THE BEST WAY FORWARD ..There have been numerous threads on here debating the Meds versus therapy debate .,and I dont think in all honesty we need another one on here .It usually ends in tears .Its up to the individual and their Dr the way there condition is treated ,Medication does and can help with the process tho ..One way is not always going to work for everyone .Meds alone will not cure Anxiety thats a fact .You need to partake in some sort of Therapy and councelling alongside the medication ,this will result in a better chance of overcoming your Anxiety Panic when off the Meds .I found personally Claire weeke s books and positive thinking helped me .I never had CBT .If people want to look into other things thats their choice. Like I said previously . sue

23-03-11, 14:20
Hi everyone,
I do't read Newspaper's so I cannot comment about that.
I have read the book Feel the fear. It did help me .
I have had,and still have depression and worry. I have taken different drugs over the years and still do now.They help me and I am not ashamed about that.
Years ago I was in a state,I could not leave the house for fear of panic attacks. Now I can leave the house and have'nt had a panic attack for ages (touch wood)
This is abit long winded sorry .
Cutting this story a bit short though. In 1998 I developed angina which was not pleasant.Evenually I had a triple heart by pass op.I would not be here now but for that op and I am very grateful for it.
I still could not leave the house.
What happend next. I had to visit the hospital twice a week for physio.
OMG how would I get there.I cannot drive .an ambulance-out of the question,My husband was at work.
I ordered a taxi. I kept very calm,cos I never done that before. I was ok once I arrived .being at the hosp they were very good and I thought to myself "I'm in the right place if I felt unwell"
But twice a week was going to cost £52 there and back

So I took the calming tabs and my bottle of water and went on the bus by myself. I wanted to get off the bus I was sweating so much ,but I made it every week. I cannot tell you how good it was,the excercise was good too. From then on I changed . I still don't like being in a crowd or going out socially.but I can go anywhere on the bus by myself now.

Now,I am not saying this is what you have to do to anyone with your illness .it just happend to me.
There are folk who have physical disabilies as well. I am so glad I am mobile and I am very grateful for that

23-03-11, 15:08
Mike seems to have been somewhat jumped on here for posting a link to the an article that mentioned the 'L' method! His post really did not seem to promote this link very strongly, in fact it was more an endorsement for the book 'Feel The Fear'.

However it is important to be strict in enforcing a ban on promotion of money making miracle schemes, so as to avoid constant spamming of the forums.

23-03-11, 15:15
Hi Nicola

I totally agree. I was one of the mugs who bought the Linden method before I joined NMP and it was really just a repeat of all of Claire Weekes' teachings and I had already read all of her books. I sent it back and got a refund!! I say knowledge is a great healer and there are a lot of people on this site with lots of personal experience and knowledge about anxiety and a lot without but we all help eachother for free. Long live NMP.


23-03-11, 21:00
hi nicola
im not saying its a cult im just saying that sometimes it can feel jumped on by many when someone has a opinio. i dont want to drag paast issues up (so sorry) but it has happened before.
i love nmp just some people are a bit forth right!!

and i totally understand in respect of you getting sued for bad things wrong about the linden method..i personally never looked at it uim tight dont like to pay for nothing allthough i am a memeber of the nopanic grou and paid for that cos could see that was ligitate.

i hae to agree with someone earlied he didnt actually post in a mencing way but he seemed to be jumped on and it happens alot on here on certain threds and thats where my impression of a click etc comes from and that sometimes it certain ways or no way!!

also hope nmp lives a long life :)