View Full Version : Going on Holiday but really unwell

22-03-11, 18:19
I've been suffering with acute anxiety and bad insomnia for 11 months and things have generally gone from bad to worse. A few weeks ago in a brief spell of feeling a little better I booked 2 weeks in Lanzarote leaving the day after tomorrow. Since booking I have gotten a lot worse and the anxiety and sleeplessness have brought back CFS symptoms with a vengeance.
My wife really needs this break and is excited about it but I am really worried how I will manage when we are away and whether I'll be able to make it a nice time for her.
It seems a bit perverse to feel bad about going away as I'm sure most people would relish the chance but I feel more ill now than at any time in my life. At least when I previously suffered with CFS for many years I did not have this accompanying anxiety and insomnia.

22-03-11, 18:29
i geejaybee,

sounds like you've had a rough time there mate :( . I don't have any direct advice per se but i do know from personal experience every time i was really anxious about something especially traveling it would never turn out as bad as i thought or anything close to that.

just concentrate on how happy it will make your wife to have some time away and endure to go ahead with it all for her.

22-03-11, 18:56
Hi geejaybee,

I know how you feel...I tend to always get anxious before I go away and again when I come back...fortunately I settle whilst away.

I think when you get there you will probably be fine and will enjoy yourself. Try not to over think it and you will be fine!!

I hope it goes o.k. for you...I really do.
